OH, by the way, it's a $4 basket pipe I got at a yard sale last year. There's a slight crack in bowl, but nothing 2-3 toothpicks stuffed in there can't handle. The stem has a hole in it, but a bit of duct tape takes care of it and I can hardly taste the melted glue (mostly because I'm smoking a blend called "Bob's Delight" that I got from a neighbour that grows it in his back yard. I'm not actually positive its tobacco, but what the heck.
BTW, my previous posting was pulled from the archives of a Usenet newsgroup formerly frequented by not a small number of the fine gentlemen on this very forum.
The newsgroup can be accessed by looking for alt.smokers.pipes
The search function works well and there’s a ton of obscure information since the ‘90s (maybe into the ‘80s).
As to the OP question of tobacco, I’d say the suggestions from Cortez are spot on.
I’d vote for Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake, provided you let it age for 3+ months. Good Virginia sweetness, easy to smoke, and just enough topping to give it a good room note.