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Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
are you going to stay there and flip burgers?

Hell no! I hate this pathetic excuse for a town. It's the poorest town in my county but has the highest taxes. There is almost no businesses, so that is probably why the taxes are so high. But because the taxes are so high there are no businesses. The town is slowly dying, and I plan to leave when I can. The problem at the moment is I need money to leave.The McDonalds I work at has has many young people employed, so most everyone gets part time. Its just a matter of saving money so I can leave

but like the rest of us, you have to learn them

Cooking and baking come easy to me.It's the cooking multiple things and getting up early that doesn't come easy.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
The things that don't come easily are often the most rewarding

True. McDonalds was my first "real" job, and when i got that first paycheck, it felt great. I had worked at a haunted barn, but that was seasonal, and lower paying then McDonalds.



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
lordofthepiperings speaks the truth - if you walk into a shop and say, "Hey, not only do I enjoy, and have more than a basic knowledge of, your product lines, but I hold in my hand an MBA (or B.Comm, Marketing Degree, Accounting, etc)." they are all the more likely to jump at the chance to hire you. Lets face facts; the average "tobacconist" isn't really looking for someone who knows anything about tobacco, but rather a retail clerk who will offer the best bang for (an often low) buck. Certainly, there are exceptions to this rule (and I hope for your sake, Uber, the new shop in your town is one), but they are few and far between (and growing fewer and further between with each passing year).
I know this really isn't going to help you much either; but let me add to your confusion. Looking at the differing career paths I see you suggesting, I see a common theme - they all involve the epicurean arts (yes, I consider fine tobacco to be epicurean). You might find it rewarding to follow in my foot-steps, and look into Food Sciences. It will not only allow you to train your palate (and your other senses), but will impart information that can be carried over to either a kitchen or bakery with no troubles. The 100 level courses will expose you to the different positions within the field - who knows; you might be the next great sommelier (well, once you hit legal age of course :D )!

Of course, you could really be like me, and after a couple of business start-ups in the food-sciences field, realize that you really have a passion for the entrepreneurial attitude, and go back for that business degree in the latter part of your 20's.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
it is. only problem is where would i get a job as that? the fanciest restaurant close to me is olive garden (which isn't all that fancy), and thats 30 miles away



Part of the Furniture Now
May 8, 2011
Southland NZ
[/quote]only problem is where would i get a job as that? the fanceist returant close to me is olive garden (which isn't all that fancy),
My friend the world is a small place, if you want it there is always a way. I have a friend who at the momment is over your way earning big bikkies doing what he loves. Another who ended up head pastry in Belfast. thats the beauty of the planet we cant get anywhere else, yet!


Sep 14, 2011
Uber, have you considered going to college for a degree in something like Hospitality Business? Michigan State has a fine program in that field. That's certainly related to you interests in cooking. And a degree in that would be a ticket out of town.



Jun 16, 2011
There are a lot of good suggestions here so far, and I highly recommend going the higher education route these days,since it seems you almost need a college education to do much of anything. As for something to make money in the mean time, you could always check your local grocery store or Walmart and see what is available in their Deli/Bakery departments. It might not be glamorous, and you would have to get up kinda early (most start around 5A.M.), but it would get you some good experience under your belt doing something you say you would enjoy.



Might Stick Around
Sep 14, 2011
Okay, Uber. I'm saything this not to be spiteful, but because you're a pipe smoker, and therefore a friend.
I'm 23 years old. I have dealt a with a lot of the problems you are mentioning in your posts.
In every post of yours in this thread, you always say "there is a PROBLEM with this" ... "the PROBLEM is..." ... etc and so forth.
The deal with people our age, man, is that they don't have the intestinal fortitude to deal with problems. Every road you can possibly ever endeavor to undertake in life is going to be riddled with PROBLEMS. THAT IS LIFE.
What are most of the people our age doing? What is their response to the hardships inherent in life? They sit in their parent's basement until they are 30 odd years old.
This enraged me TO NO END.
Consider this, my friend - and I am taking the time out of my day to type all of this not to be angery, but in the hopes of reaching out to someone my age and adjusting their pattern of thinking. Human beings have been existing for a really, really long time. Virtually genetically unchanged for thousands upon thousands of years. Now, a bunch of shit has changed in the past couple hundred years that has produced a modern society that makes it EASIER to do the WRONG THING, and makes it HARDER to do the RIGHT THING. If you had been born a thousand years ago, it's likely that by age 18 you probably would have already gone to war, come back from war, bought a small farm, and probably have the responsibilities of little children to worry about under your belt. You probably would have died not too long after you got gray hair - and would have been happy to die at that age, because by the standards of that time, you had lived a good and full lifetime.
I firmly believe that our generation has to keep our shit together using that perspective. We are incredibly fortunate and lucky to have a very posh and easy lifestyle.
Please, please, PLEASE... "PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR OWN BOOT STAPS!" Life is hard, life is cruel, life is ugly, and life is overflowing with problems. Instead of laying the blame on something else, take life by the horns, and LIVE YOUR LIFE. Make something of yourself. It aint easy. It will be hard. It will involve a lot of hard work, a lot of shitty hours, a whole hell of a lot of sacrifice. However, I hope you will trust me when I say this - it will be worth the effort in the end. Don't let ANYTHING stand in your way, ever!!!
That being said, I am not a totally normal person. I had excellent grades in highschool, and what did I do? I joined the Army at age 18. And did I pick an easy job? Hell no - I went in as an Airborne Special Operations grunt (MOS 37F - Psychological Warfare Specialist.) At age 19, I married the love of my life (still married 5 years later now.) Also at age 19, I bought my own damn HOUSE, using only my own money and my own credit (not even my wife's.) At 22, I was out of the Army, and went to school to do x rays in a hospital. I worked 90 hours a week - 40 hours per week doing x rays in the hospital in a training/certification program, and 50 ish hours per week doing night shift security to try to pay the bills. I am at the end of that process right now. ***It has been over TWO YEARS of working 90 hours per week - that's 18 hour long days, plus about two hours of commuting time to get to my job(s) and back home to sleep.
It was fuckin' hard. But, it has been worth it, 100%. Follow your dreams, and it will be worth it to you in the end as well. Don't be another couch potato in your parent's basement - our generation sorely needs people willing to do the hard thing, the RIGHT THING, in life.



Might Stick Around
Sep 14, 2011
And hey - if I can maybe some day walk into your tobacconist's shop, buy myself a tin of some tasty tobacco... and perhaps simultaneously ALSO purchase a dozen freshly baked donuts to bring home to the family...
... the smell of fresh baking, fresh bread, would be pretty nice when intermingled with the smell of tobacco in a pipe shop... just sayin'.... ;)
And I bet it would be easier for a lot of male pipe smokers to convince their better halves to make a tag along on a trip to the tobacconist shop if THEY could pick up some tasty goods while the piper wastes time fretting over what tobacco to purchase, ogle a pipe or two, etc...
Follow your dreams, man. Make them reality. Forge them in the crucible of hard work and determination.



Can't Leave
Aug 21, 2011
I have been in the food business for a long time, in both cooking and baking. If you don't absolutely love it don't do it. Both are long days at odd hours of the day for too little money. If you want to cook, you may think about going in to catering, you have better hours, mostly, but it is still a grind. If you want to be a tobacconist go for it, you can always change your mind later and any business skills you learn will translate into another business. If you decide you want to own a shop I would do a business degree with something like chemistry.



Jun 21, 2011
First grow up and get off the titty!!


Smoking a pipe and trick or treating in a lady's coat even if it,s called a (smoking jacket) is not being a grown up.



Oct 20, 2010
My alarm goes off at 4:30 am almost every day. Do I enjoy getting to work at 6:30 after a 45 minute commute, if lucky? No. I do it because I must feed my family. Actually I love the work I am in. But I have had some really awful jobs also. Part of becoming a man is learning to work. The beauty of America is that we are free to choose a career we like. If there are no jobs local, move to where there are jobs.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
Don't be another couch potato in your parent's basement

id ont pplan too. just ill i have enoguh money to leave.
Smoking a pipe and trick or treating in a lady's coat even if it,s called a (smoking jacket) is not being a grown up.

i onlywent trick or treating because my gifriend wanted to, and he jacket was part of a really cheap costume that i now use as a smoking jacket



May 4, 2011
All of these guys have said most of the shit I heard back when I was a 20-something, wondering what to do with myself (since most of my career plans at the time usually ended up one in prison or the cemetery). A word of I wisdom I received, and acted on had a direct effect on my level of happiness as an almost 40-something.
One thing was "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."
Another was "Stop all this diversity shit. Put all your eggs in one basket and run. You are young. Trying means failure but you are young. Experience the failure, take the knocks and keep doing it until you are doing what you love to do. You will lose sleep, you will lose friends and forget about a woman understanding what you do. You doing what you do will carry you through more than one woman, but in the end you will find the woman that loves you and loves what you do."
I have to garee about punctuation, spelling and grammar. None of us are perfect, but all of us are judged for it.
Get the job, learn to blend, take the courses and get certified (if nothing else, it's padding for your resume' and may just give you the edge over the next applicant.) I thought I wasted my money getting a license to operate a crematory, but it turned out that a cremtory job helped get me into the funeral business, where I made friends and eventually became who I wanted to be, an Funeral Director and Embalmer. Morticians aren't big in the trust department and mostly shun N00bShool graduates. But I had a CANA certification and that got me in the door. I spent a hellish summer working for a ghetto-ass crematory, but all my clients were morticians and it got me the connections I needed to move on.
Aside from all that shit. Show up to work every day. Learn something every day and by the time you are ready to go it alone, you will have a clientelle, experience and the certifications to back it up.
It's true people may not initially trust a young blender. This will last until the word gets out that your blends are badass. Just never put your name on a blend that sucks.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
Doesn't McDonalds offer college tuition for crew and/or managers?

I don't know about the tuition.As for managers we have quite a few of them already, and all but one are done with college.The one that isn't done is going to community college i think.So I don't know when they're going to promote someone to manager. I doubt it will be me though as I've only been there for 6 months and it seems that seniority not worthiness is how managers are selected. I had to explain to a manager who has been working at McDonalds for 7 years why its not ok to touch raw meat and then touch food without washing your hands. How the hell did she not know that?Plus I've only worked in the back of the store. They haven't had me do any up front stuff so I'd have to learn that before I could be a manage

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