ive been tossing around the idea of becoming a tobacconist. i love tobacco in every form but chew(and possibly snuff but i havent tried it yet), so becoming a tobacconist would be something i enjoy. i think i have a good knowledge of tobacco. not great but definitely above the average person. when i started smoking a pipe i researched everything i could find,and i picked the brain of the people on the forum.if i saw someone talking about something i didnt know i looked it up. now im sure many people have done this, but as soon as i know something i want to know, it there pretty much for good. i have an excellent memory, but its selective, like selective hearing i remember pretty much only what i want to remember. tobacco is something that interests me and something i enjoy greatly. basically id like to know how one becomes a tobacconist.like schools that offer programs, do you have to do an apprenticeship, everything about becoming one.so kevin your input here would be greatly appreciated