Hey Irish,
Firstly, thank you for your service, brother. Truly, words cannot express how (and I'm sure I speak for everybody) grateful we all are for your sacrifice, on and off the field of battle.
I cannot even fathom what it would be like to experience what you have been through and what you are now going through, or to even attempt to try and alleviate any of that pain with mere words.
But, brother, I will say this to you (as best I can, and hope that it will give you some comfort) as this is something my father has always told me, and it has always eased my pain in times of trouble: The good lord never gives us more than we can handle and he will always be there for us when things get too hard to handle. By the load you've been given, Irish, I'd say you're one tough dude. Hang in there, brother, and know that beyond this challenge, you have blessings awaiting you. The blessing of family, the blessing of a good woman that loves you, the incredible blessing of a child, the blessing of friends (which I'm sure you have many) and the blessing (or curse, if you wanna' look at it that way) of the motley crew of brothers and sisters on this forum who, even though we've never met, honestly care about you, because you are part of our family.
Count your blessings everyday, brother. You have many, and many, many more to come.
I wish you peace to you and your family and know that we all have you in our hearts and minds and that we will never forget your sacrifice.
Thank you, Brother.