Bad News from the Doctor...

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 9, 2011
Thank you for your service and allowing us to live the lives we do,free and protected by men like you Irish. I am disabled and want you and your wife to know that life goes on ,perhaps a bit differently ,but nontheless fruitful.Take one day at a time and when your daughter arrives enjoy her and all of what life has to offer.When I am down I just know that someone else is probably worse off than I am and I manage to move on.Wishing you some joy and happiness amidst these challenging times of yours.



Jun 16, 2011
Sorry to hear the news, Irish. Stay strong, and think about the better times you'll be having with your new baby daughter soon. We're always here for you whenever you need us. Thanks for your service, and sacrifice to help preserve our freedom.



May 29, 2011
Our prayers are with you my friend. You will set a fine example for your children, a father they will be proud of. You will get through it.



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2011
Cornwall UK
Bear up Irish my thoughts and prayers are with you.I know it's not much consolation to you now but when your little one starts school your prosthetic will carry a lot of brownie points.The op I am having on my shoulder in a week or two is a bit more that first thought,seems I have to have an artificial joint as well as tendon repair.My grandaughter is delighted !! not only a metal knee but a metal shoulder as well,good bragging points she says.You just got to love 'em. Look forward to your child Irish,kids are a blessing.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 14, 2010
Your going to kick ass in the UFC w/ a terminator tallon , and a shock absorber.

I'm most grateful that its not your arm and digits.
I cannot begin to imagine the horror of what is and is not known



Sep 1, 2011
Sorry to hear the news Irish. Not sure if this helps but one of my son's best friends father lost his leg just below the knee in an accident.our kids are kindergarteners. Kids always ask him questions about his leg. He pops of the prosthetic leg to show them and they always think its neat. He is always smiling, one of the most positive people I have ever met and a great dad to three boys and a good husband.I have no idea what it would be like to face some thing like this? Yet if he can do it, so can you. You have a lot to look forward to with a baby on the way. Focus on that. Choose to be positive. You have many more happy chapters left ahead of you in life. Make them great ones!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 1, 2012
It's funny you guys mention kids. My dad had a myoelectic arm and little kids were always fascinated by it they would stare and their parents would give them crap for staring, when ever possible my dad would try to talk to the little kid. They were just naturally inquisitive and really just wanted to know what it was, once it was explained to them it was like no big deal. My neighbours were english and had a 4 year old girl and 6 year old boy, the boy was looking at the arm the one day so my day explained it to him and how he got it and how it worked. The little boy in his most confident proper english accent said " I could have one of those some day", my dada said no you don't want one he then said " you never know I could have an accident". prove ng that he really did understand what it was all about.
Then there was my Golden Retrievers they were very accepting of it, they just though it was cool that he had a nylabone for an arm.



Feb 14, 2012
Thank you guys so much for all the kind words!!! I had an offer to take up donations on my behalf. I am thankful for that but I have everything taken care of! I will make the best of my down time! Looks like I'm gonna have to get some estates to refurbish!!! Lol



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 17, 2012
sorry to hear that irish. its a tough thing to deal with i would imagine but when your kid is born it will make up for it im sure. keep fighting and stay strong.



Feb 14, 2012
Well while visiting my in laws today my mother in law cracked a joke that flattered and insulted me. While sitting outside I was smoking a pipe of course. She looked at me and stated "It would be weird to see you without a pipe. Kinda like seeing a person without a leg." My fiance bursts into tears. Then I broke the news to them and my mother in law also started to cry. I got them both calmed down but my mother in law was mortified.



Can't Leave
May 25, 2011
Like you are aware of I'm sure, she meant no insult........ Not the best way to make a point perhaps though. Hang in there and stay strong my friend..... If you need any help setting up to do refurbs let me know, I may be of some assistance there with both information and possibly equipment. PM me for my phone number in case you just want to talk about pipes or anything at all.



Mar 14, 2012
Irish Sorry to hear about your leg. From one veteran to another thank you for your service. If you want some inspiration go on you tube and look up " no legged skydiving with dog" and watch the video. He is a Ranger who had both legs blown off last year while in asskrackistan. he is a personal friend of mine and one of my heros. I know it does not ease the pain of it but you both are heros and maybe his story will help inspire you and help you during you're recovery. best of luck and remember 82nd Airborne ALL THE WAY



Mar 14, 2012
Also Irish go to the VA and file your TSGLI claim. Look it up they can give you compensaation and also make any modifications to your house and car. Almost every major base has a representative that can help with the claim. If not your VA office can help



May 4, 2011
Drive on, Ranger! Remember you always have the admiration and respect of all your fellow servicemen, past, present and future.



Can't Leave
Jan 1, 2010
I will be keeping you in my families prayers, Thank you for your service and protecting our freedom



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
Irish, there is not much one can say to lighten a mood brought on by something of this sort.

I hope that you can look at it as an opportunity to grow in ways you couldn't before.

Just know that your family here and at home will appreciate your presence even more! Thank you for your service and God bless.

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