I think newer pipe smokers are surprised to learn that most house pipe blends are really bulk blends rebranded.
For me, I smoked a pipe tobacco years ago called Geronimo. When I would go to other stores, I would ask for their best selling blend and I was surprised how similar the blends were to Geronimo. As you might already have guessed, I was smoking Lane 1Q for years under various names. Live and learn. I don't see a problem with stores doing this although it's surprising when you first figure it out.
Traveling last year, I spoke to a tobacconist in the Midwest. They have a house blend that I'll call "Widget" that is really Lane 1Q. Apparently, he gets a call from other states for Widget and feels guilty about selling it to them when they can walk down to their own store and buy 1Q. I don't have a problem with this myself. The consumer is getting what he wants and an honest businessman is making a sale. YMMV.