Back Surgery Thursday Can't Smoke

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Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2013
I'm going to have back surgery on Thursday for a herniated disk.

To be honest, I am really looking forward to having the problem taken care of.

The nerve in my leg has given me a fit of pain for several weeks now and I am just over it.

I stopped smoking about three weeks ago and will wait about a month after surgery to be safe.

Bloodclots are my concern. I just don't want to take any chances.

It was easier than I figured to put down the pipe. I do miss smoking but I had no "overwhelming" need to smoke as I have seen cigarette smokers have.

If you would, keep me in tour thoughts and prayers.

Regards, Lawson



Jun 11, 2017
God speed on the surgery and recovery. I've been there myself. I needed a cane for a few months due to nerve damage, but 5 years later and it's now just a bad memory. Remember to take your physical therapy and rehab exercises seriously in recovery.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 29, 2014
The spine is one of the favorite parts of my body, so if something went wrong I'd want to fix it ASAP.

OTOH, it would unnerve me a lot to have a doctor fiddle about on my back.

I probably shouldn't worry cause doctors have been fixing backs for a long time.
My wife is having back problems right now and she is consulting with a doctor about how to fix it.

She's a little frustrated and I worry for her.
Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about your back problem and I hope you have a speedy recovery and can get back in the game soon.



Feb 21, 2013
lawson, that's a great upbeat attitude that will give the best results. I'll be thinking of you and pulling for excellent results. Maybe take a vacation from pipes for a while, to let those capillaries expand for healing. Your pipes will await you. Do what the docs and p.t. people say, but don't overdo and set yourself back. A step at a time, sometimes literally.



Mar 25, 2014
Good to hear your taking a sensible approach to something so important. Putting down the pipe for a while will also allow you to savour what you had missed when you finally feel ready to fill the chamber of a trusty pipe with your desired blend.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 2, 2015
I had a microdisectomy on L5/S1 in December of 2017 after fighting the pain for about 9 months. It took some time, but I feel much better now. Best wishes!



Part of the Furniture Now
May 25, 2012
Not to be a smart ass But double check with the doc that he knows you are in for a back procedure and where. Don't want to wake up missing a foot and the other guy a disc. Also go over your medications!!! You don't want to be on blood thinners and have surgery. It happens. Buddy died having scheduled heart surgery. Was still on blood thinners. Not trying to scare you. Just make sure they got the right person.....



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2013
Thank you all for the well wishes.

I will make sure to do what the doc says.

rx2man, Will do. Absolutely good advice there.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
Hey friend. I had a similar procedure in 2005. Mine was a bit more involved than a micro-discectomy. You'll do well, recover fast and hopefully feel better very quickly. They have improved their techniques with the discectomy so much in the past 10 years.
One key to recovery is being conscious of your posture after this discectomy. You might even want to look into shoes with negative heel technology - they can significantly reduce the amount of weight you put on your lumbar. Good luck! -G



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 9, 2013
I have had back surgery myself.
The pipe and other delightful vices can wait until you are feeling tip top once again.
Best wishes to you and a speedy recovery!

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