So as a newbie I went to a highly recommended tobacconist and told them I was new to this and
They sold me a Missouri hardwood and 3 oz of there blend called sugar mountain for $10.48.
They were trying to push me to buy a 150.00 briar as they put it you can’t truly experience
Pipe smoking with a cheap pipe! I declined and went home to smoke my new pipe and blend. Well after I smoked all that I did some research and found smokers pride was made by lane. Soo I got a 12 oz bad and a can of Prince Albert and mixed some together!! Woe is it amazing and it tastes like sugar mountain ( store blend ) but better. At a fraction of the price!!
So I have to ask do some shops see a newbie and see $ signs?
I plan on ordering a few pounds later in the week of some new tobaccos any recommendations of some that are good to blend together or are good on there own?
I like a stout tobacco yet sweet and something with some nicotine kick ( 26 year smoker) Looking forward to some recommendations
They sold me a Missouri hardwood and 3 oz of there blend called sugar mountain for $10.48.
They were trying to push me to buy a 150.00 briar as they put it you can’t truly experience
Pipe smoking with a cheap pipe! I declined and went home to smoke my new pipe and blend. Well after I smoked all that I did some research and found smokers pride was made by lane. Soo I got a 12 oz bad and a can of Prince Albert and mixed some together!! Woe is it amazing and it tastes like sugar mountain ( store blend ) but better. At a fraction of the price!!
So I have to ask do some shops see a newbie and see $ signs?
I plan on ordering a few pounds later in the week of some new tobaccos any recommendations of some that are good to blend together or are good on there own?
I like a stout tobacco yet sweet and something with some nicotine kick ( 26 year smoker) Looking forward to some recommendations