Sugar Mountain . . . mmmm . . . tasty . . . especially with the barkers and the colored balloons.
I did. But I was asking myself the wrong questions. LOL Looks like you've passed the Noob Screening Test with flying colors. Good to see some younger folks pursuing pipe smoking. Hang around here and you'll learn a lot. If you'd like, PM me your address and I'll send you a sampler of some decent tobacco to try in the next week or two (when I go to the post office next). We're not all A-Holes here, some of us just act like it occasionally. Even Cosmic has his good moments. :roll:When you first started blind without this site or any friends that smoked a pipe and no internet research
Did you have all the answers?
NoAre Tobacco Shops Ripping off Newbies
You will find both (well, maybe not a blend called sugar mountain) cheaper online. Not because they were trying to rip you off, but because of the additional costs (rather than an online retailer) they are paying to keep the business going (rent, taxes, etc.)They sold me a Missouri hardwood and 3 oz of there blend called sugar mountain for $10.48.
Somewhat true. If you can afford it we always mention a pipe between $70-150 range. If not, you may also find some nice new or good estate pipes for $40-70 range. If not again, Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipe is a go.They were trying to push me to buy a 150.00 briar as they put it you can’t truly experience
No. There are some members who have been smoking pipes for more than 20-30 years on this forum, the guys know which tobacco costs what on which online retailer but in order to keep their local tobacco shops alive, they shop there once in a while (even though they are paying $30-40 for a tin of tobacco that they can purchase online for $10).So I have to ask do some shops see a newbie and see $ signs?
Willisk, if you think you have sticker shock now, just wait until you see what us Canadian pipers are expected to pay at our local shops.As far as sticker shock I have learned a lot in the last 24 hours
Gee thanks Peck...the chorus to that song has been repeating endlessly in my head since reading that yesterday.Sugar Mountain . . . mmmm . . . tasty . . . especially with the barkers and the colored balloons.