Are There Tobaccos You Consider Acquired Tastes?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 17, 2018
Cape Ann, MA USA
When I first started a few years ago, I bought one-ounce samples of a bunch of different blends, from aromatics to English.
While I leaned towards aromatics, I didn't dislike the Latakia blends. And the more stuff I tried, the more stuff I liked. My problem is not the taste of the tobacco, but rather that some blends just don't agree with me and seem instantly harsh on my throat. And what frustrates me is that I can't seem to narrow down what it is.
The blends that I gave up on after smoking at least three or four times: Haunted Bookshop, John Marr, MM Missouri Pride, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, PS Luxury Navy Flake.
At this point I'm pretty careful with drying my tobacco and also not smoking too fast, so I don't think that's my problem--those blends just don't seem to agree with my body chemistry.
But as far as the actual taste of the tobacco, maybe I'm not very discriminating--and I've liked some more than others--but I haven't really had any that turned me off just on taste so that I had to acquire a taste for them.



Nov 21, 2018
Atlanta, GA
I tend to know after a couple puffs if I like a blend or not, and whether or not I’d buy enough to cellar after one full pipe. I have 4 or 5 that I tried to fall in love with that just didn’t do anything for me, even after about 5 bowls. Dreams of Kadath, Mad Fiddler, Presbyterian, and War Horse Green come to mind. I jarred the first two, and I actually threw away nearly full tins of the other two. Not worth wasting time smoking something I can’t stand the taste of. The only tobacco I ever initially disliked and came to love was HH Old Dark Fired. Granted, I’m still new to pipes. However, I’ll agree that nearly everyone’s tastes change given more time and experience with things. I also tend to agree with the conventional wisdom of jarring blends and coming back to them months or years later. I was just in a mood one day and said screw it, and threw out the tins because I didn’t have any more jars handy after a particularly bad bowl of War Horse.



Jun 11, 2017
Yes! Most of my favorite blends took a long time to grow on me. Usually blends that wow me right away get old real quick but the ones that take time to reveal all they have to give over time are the ones that really hit home for me.

+1 to Hawky! Darn, this is so spot on.
Virginias "grew on me". Super weak at first, and now they are something a I crave. Whereas strong English blends are almost too loud and obnoxious.
Classical music also was an acquired taste. Similar to Virginia blends.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 30, 2019
I rarely like a blend at the first try. In the best case, I get a faint idea that I might like it and start exploring it's facets. There are so many aspects, that need to be learned to optimize the experience of a blend. I must admit that it always costs me a lot of energy, when I want to discover a new blend. Most of the time i stick with my usual blends, as I just want want to relax, if I reach for the pipe.

Jun 9, 2018
Ennerdale Flake was an acquired taste for me, when I first opened the pouch and inhaled the fruity, highly perfumed contents I immediately saw what everyone was talking about re the 'granny perfume smell' and I thought I wouldn't like it at all.

The first bowl wasn't too terrible maybe a 5/10 but with each subsequent bowl I grew to like it more and more and by the time I'd finished the 50g pouch it was a definite totally unique 10/10 and I immediately ordered another 100g.



May 25, 2012
Haunted Bookshop for me, too. I thought it was harsh and horrible, but now it's probably my favorite blend. Smoking it right now, in fact.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 24, 2018
In thinking more about this I remember one of the first real blends I tried was Orlik Golden Sliced. As a brand new pipe smoker at the time I didn’t see the appeal of the earthy hay like taste but after a while you start to appreciate the range of flavors especially if the Golden Sliced has been aged.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Can't do Virginia's unfortunately. I hear so many good things about the sweet taste, but I just get burnt tongue.
Actually I can't do much other than Burley.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I believe the palate can be trained. My question is, when there are thousands of blends, why try to make a rancid blend taste good? If you get drunk enough, an ugly woman may start to look pretty. But if you wake up with her in the morning, she's still ugly.



Dec 22, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Like Didi, I can’t smoke Virginia’s. I tried Golden Sliced! Navy Flake,LBF, all of them fry me and I get no sweetness. Try to smoke slow! In a cob, cool etc. I let them sit a tear and still difficult. I hated Latakia at first then tried EGR, and my world changed. Now my favorites are English’s! I won’t give up on trying to understand Virginia’s! I’m guessing it has something to do with technique.

I am a cigarette smoker - pipes came after that. International cigarettes are Virginia based. The same cannot be said for USA cigarettes- they are burley based.

With long introduction to Virginia... even before I smoked burley ... I must say


Virginia is excellent... If you

Learn to smoke Virginia in a pipe ... you

Will be rewarded with a glorious smoke!
With the disclaimer... I am still learning burley... Virginia is fantastic! Learn to smoke Virginia and you

Will be rewarded handsomely!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2019
Loaded question...

I used to smoke Aro's ONLY, but now, I like the English's, Virginia's and an occasional Aromatic. But all with a great cup of Coffee! I would say that I do like a bit of Latakia, but as hugodrax said alot better than me, not too much...



Jun 23, 2019
I gave away a tin of 3 Nuns after only one bowl I probably should have given it a chance I guess at the moment it’s Aros only for me.

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