I guess if you're just running pipes out at whatever spec you run pipes out at it's a bigger deal. If you are doing one-off custom stuff, I can't see how it's that much of a pain to drill a hole 5/16" instead of 5/32". Probably takes me 10 extrad minutes all told to make a filter pipe. I can understand the snobby side though, I mean, I get some guys like filters, but what happened to me when I started smoking good quality unfiltered pipes, built well, like Castellos, is I never wanted to see a filter again. So I think there's a little bit of "Oh well go buy a savinelli then." attitude in carving circles. I think it's difficult for us non-filter users to see filtered pipes as offering anywhere near as good an experience - "A filter? Oh god, why not smoke a cigarette then?" you know? And it's wrong, I get what filters do and why some guys prefer them. And it's like any other choice in pipes, you like a big pipe, I like a small pipe, doesn't make one of us wrong.