Are There Any GOOD Internet News Sites?

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Feb 21, 2013
The public, and I include myself, tends to crawl into its selective silos and read, see, and hear mostly that with which they agree. I see a considerable amount of silo coverage. However, if you want a larger framework of news that feels some obligation to facts and impartiality (mostly, and no one is perfect from one minute to the next) I'd suggest at least visiting Reuters and Associated Press. Then, those outlets with known bias but a respectable and responsible reportorial staff, which would include a number of major city papers on "both sides of the aisle." After that, perhaps, some of the silo newspapers and broadcasts, but some of each (and several, there aren't really just two) sides. BBC is also at least removed from the U.S. divisiveness, although some of their coverage is needlessly laborious, often giving over too much time to third world dictators harping at their absurdly bias and corrupt cases. Much more is available to us than we use, and we all obsess on our point of view, which makes us weaker and more easily led. I like to identify several opinion columnists who can be seen to have gone off the reservation and who stray toward the "other side," and no side, and both sides, which is a symptom of actually thinking, rather than staying near the cozy fire of your own particular camp. The more absolutely correct a person feels, the more certain it is that they aren't. We're people, not gods, and that ought to show up in our reasoning. It rarely does.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 21, 2015
Thanks for the tips! I have flipboard on my tablet but have never opened it. I will check it out.
I would describe my "good" and "real" as wanting to hear every angle of a story presented in a compelling argument, not filled with name calling and demonizing, and no soundbytes from every other outlet. I want to hear facts and consider them to form my own opinion. I do a lot of problem solving and negotiating at work and have learned that each side has strong opinions - and the truth lies somewhere in between.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 21, 2015
So a lot of people are recommending matt drudge. I know the name from bill hanaty - which I don't care for - mainly because he spends so much time telling me what he will be talking about that he never really says anything meaningful. 20 minutes of content stretched over a 4 hour show.
That said, I will seek out drudge, and I hope to like him.



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Not a news site, but if you're into long-form journalism, that is articles that take over 20 minutes to read, then I heartily suggest If you sign up you get the top five long-form articles from around the web delivered to your inbox on Friday afternoons. I have read some remarkable articles that way.
Another Drudge vote.



Sep 14, 2015
Where do you go to get real information on meaningful happenings around the world?
I watch for omens and divine world events from the movements of clouds. Then, of course, there are those pesky premonitions and Déjà vu.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Drudge also will post stories which mainstream media will not touch for a variety of reasons. They've broken a few stories which gained such traction it forced mainstream to present it to their readers/listeners. The number of Drudge readers makes them pretty powerful. Mainstream really detests them. And, to me, that's fairly substantial validation.



Oct 15, 2013
Two of my favorite news sites, The Washington Post and the New York Times both printed editorials saying (in essence) the current election is too important for them to retain traditional journalistic ethics and unbiased reporting. I appreciated them admitting something of which I already was well aware.
It's really hard to avoid news sites that don't lean one way or the other. It's best to read a lot of sources and verify by looking up facts somewhere else. Places like The Blaze and the Drudge Report have let me down too many times. Still entertaining though.
The one source I value above all others is the Wall Street Journal. They are the least likely to report nonsense or rely on third party sources like UPI or the AP. Unfortunately it requires an expensive subscription unless you can get a student discount or you can access it online with a library card.
BTW, I cancelled my New York Times subscription because of the election coverage. I'll miss it because the quality of the feature writing and arts coverage is very good. The Washington Post I will just let expire.



Jan 31, 2011
Drudge also will post stories which mainstream media will not touch for a variety of reasons. They've broken a few stories which gained such traction it forced mainstream to present it to their readers/listeners. The number of Drudge readers makes them pretty powerful. Mainstream really detests them. And, to me, that's fairly substantial validation.
One of the primary ways the MSM lies is by omission. And also by burying certain details deep within articles in an attempt to keep them under the radar. Drudge is good at ferreting those things out and making them the headline.



Jul 21, 2015
Those days are long gone it appears.
Old school internet guys: Don't let the Herd in! They'll turn it into daytime TV!
Google, Amazon, Apple, Wikipedia, etc.: What a good idea...
Now: Wow, the internet is useless. I'll have to find a print paper.



Jun 3, 2015
I prefer MSLSD or The PomPom Girls over at Fox, I work the Poplulist trends these days. Ducking and weaving inbetween High Tariffs and socialism, it keeps you feeling alive.



Jun 3, 2015
Bill hannity, must be local. I know a Sean Hannity, you pretty much summed him up, Randelli. Sean's a PomPom, not a tyrant loving Socialist, but a Pom Pom.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
The Onion, and I am serious. Their satire has matured and does a great job of pointing out real issues if you can read between the lines. Otherwise I trust NPR.

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