Are Savinelli pipes really that great?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
There may be countless threads on such a question as this already, but trust me, I am quite unique :-D
After a bad experience with my first and only Peterson (Donegal Rocky), with the draft hole drilled so far up the shank that I can't possibly get a pipe cleaner in there with the stem removed (and is now permanently blocked), I've begun to pay more notice to the Savinelli ravers. So I have been wondering what others have to say on the Savinelli difference (if there is one) on weight, briar quality and absorbancy, quality control, warranty, and other qualities which make them more (or less) smokable. I'm especially wondering this after heading over to, where I did a search on Savinelli. Some of what I saw there made be kind of wonder whether the people behind this company are still serious, or sane.
Here are some pipes by Savinelli which kind of made me shake my head a little. I'm going to go on a bit of a rant with these, hope nobody gets upset:

Ok, I'm already a fan of the sandblasted or textured wood effect, so this one really caught my eye. This one's probably better for style than actual heat conduction, but hey isn't it just gorgeous? I find the texture very appealing to my eyes, but after I noticed that Savinelli calls this style "Alligator", it became slightly less appealing to my brain. I mean, alligators aren't made of wood, and you don't really make pipes out of skins, so wouldn't you feel a tad goofy to be seen in public smoking one of these? But I've been interested in seeing what an Author shape can do for my smoking experience, and this one somehow appears to be more refined than a sandblasted or smooth bowl which is so big.



I suppose these Savs are available in hot pink too. They are sort of eye-catching, but there just seems to be something perverse about coloring a tobacco pipe. Are they marketing these to children?


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
A Savinelli 904 Alligator is one of my favorite pipes, and also my designated ODF pipe. So I would definitely have to say good quality. The newer flashy colors are probably trying to grab the younger smokers, but I do love the alligator rustication.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
They are sort of eye-catching, but there just seems to be something perverse about coloring a tobacco pipe.
Unless you are buying an unstained pipe, they are all colored.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
Yes Puffndave! Savinelli pipes are really the greatest! Except for the Alligator series, which clearly are made for children. I mean, hey they need something especially for them to learn on right?

(again, here's a lesson in how sarcasm doesn't come across in print) :roll:
I do have some Savinelli pipes, in fact my first pipe was a Savinelli back in 1982, and I once had an Alligator Canadian in brown. I feel they offer a very good value for the money, and their high grades are second to none. Again , just my opinion.
edit: oh and Duane, we know you're just a kid at heart, what with you playing pirate all the time, (you are just playing, right?)



Jun 1, 2013
I am personally not a huge fan. But they do make a quality pipe, no question about it.
Here is a thread I started a while ago that had some great discussions happening.

Why Savinelli?


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
edit: oh and Duane, we know you're just a kid at heart, what with you playing pirate all the time, (you are just playing, right?)
Of course I'm playing! Everyone knows I'm really a racecar driving, astronaut cowboy. :mrgreen:



May 6, 2016
West Texas
All my Sav's are great smokers, vintage 1950 and earlier, don't have any newer ones so I cant vouch for them but the old ones are worth it



Feb 21, 2013
I've not been drawn to the alligator finish, but if I were gifted with one (for example) I believe I'd keep it and enjoy it. I bought my first Sav, when the distribution hub was in nearby Morrisville, N.C., and my local independent pipe shop had unfinished Savs in with their basket pipes for a song. Since then, I've bought, been gifted with, and received one as a prize from pipesmagazine, many versions of Sav pipes. I really trust this outfit, and their acquired offshoot Rossi. Plus, I respect the company for bringing out something different, presumably aimed at a younger cohort. I think it's important to try new things and change with the times while keeping feet firmly planted in the tradition. So, do these new finishes and colors light my fire? Not yet. But I'd rather have Sav in the game on across the market than have them fade into tradition only. I think I have more Sav's than any other brand, and this hasn't been purposeful. They just keep selling me pipes that keep me happy. I appreciate that. That's me in my avatar with a Sav churchwarden 601, a Christmas gift from my wife, with me wearing a fez, a Christmas gift from my sister who'd been to Istanbul.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
I have 10 Savinellis and all of them are very good pipes. Their product line covers a wide range and price levels for everyone. If you look at their web site there's bound to be something that strikes your fancy.

IMO, the higher the surface area, either rusticated or blasted, the cooler the pipe smokes.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 25, 2012
Savs are a good pipe for the money for sure. I have a couple gators, a Canadian and a billiard. The Canadian is a favorite. Its in a brown finish so looks more like what a pipe should look like. Canadians are a favorite shape and I like the finish. They look good IMO in person. QC can be hit or miss with Petes I guess. The ones I have are all nice but I did buy a new one that had the trim ring a little off. Off enough that I noticed it and sent it back. But for the most part I am happy with their pipes and I would not let buying one screwy pipe turn me off on the entire brand.



May 26, 2015
Great smokers.

If there is a bowl coating like on a Pete or a Brigham, don't smoke it off. Just get some Kleenex tissue or paper towels and rubbing alcohol, it doesn't have to be denatured; (I've got 5 Brighams, 3 Petes and have had 2 Savinellis and just used the regular rubbing alcohol that is around 72 - 76%) and clean out the bowl to bare briar. You might have to use three or four tissues but it only takes a few minutes and then you don't have to spend several bowls of tobacco trying to smoke off the coating.

Just my double-ought 2 cents worth.



Oct 15, 2013
My 320 KS has never failed me. I get a perfect smoke from it every time. I also have a Clark's and a Bing's Favorite. Nothing wrong about those either, bu the 320 KS is just a perfect pipe in my humble estimation.



Feb 13, 2015
I only own one Savinelli, a 673KS that is about three years old. I've never smoked a pipe that performs better. As good as, yes; better, NO.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 9, 2015
Ok, so what about the briar quality? I read that briar isn't just briar, that the best pipes are much lighter weight (and probably more naturally absorbant) due to the selection of briar species. Certainly my useless Peterson is the lightest pipe I own, while hardly being the smallest, so guess I really should get around to emailing Peterson with my receipt and find out how good they can be to me.
I ask about the wood as a question on consistency, particularly because Savinelli markets to poor folks such as me. That stained Author shaped alligator is by far the most beautiful pipe which I have ever seen for $108. Maybe the fact that it's also filtered is because it isn't the best quality briar wood? Has anyone noticed this being a practice with any pipe makers, to add a filter to soak up excess moisture, as compensation for less-porous briar, while reserving their best briar for their best pipes?



Feb 21, 2013
One Forums member bought a few Sav's as car pipes and didn't like any of them, so no brand makes everyone happy. Sav does well by a lot of people.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Filters tend to be favored by the European crowd, and are not necessarily there to make up for sub par briar. I smoke my 904 without filters, and it performs beautifully. Would most likely believe that so many filtered pipes are available due to the large sales of aromatic tobaccos versus the non aros.



Can't Leave
Dec 24, 2013
Virginia, USA
As mentioned above, I have a few Savinelli unfinished pipes (in addition to many other low and high-end Savs, filtered and unfiltered) and they perform as good or better than many of my high end artisan pipes. Clearly the unfinished pipes must be decent briar since they lack filters and perform great.

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