I do find it hard to believe that there is a great increase in pipe smoking in the 18-25 age group. I think with pipe smoking there generally comes a greater learning curve, not to mention the financial side of things. Learning what blends you prefer, what pipes suit, acquiring enough pipes, even if in cobs to suit those needs, learning how to properly pack your pipe, learning proper smoking technique to enjoy the blend you are smoking, ect: All these things I feel more often than not lend themselves to patience and that tends to comes with age. That is not however to say that there aren’t those that are younger and do pick up the hobby that also give it proper time and patience that the hobby requires and stick with it. I think because of this though you are left with those that truly love and appreciate the hobby and the people involved, like for instance this fabulous forum that I lurked about on for a great deal of time before deciding to join. Just my thoughts. I do hope that the community continues growth in the positive aspects of tobacco and pipe production so that myself and those here and elsewhere that love this hobby have awesome things to look forward to and acquire in the future!