Are Increasing Numbers of Pipe Smokers Good or Bad?

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Might Stick Around
Jul 5, 2015
In my opinion, unless the number of new pipe smokers is big, I don't think it will influence the price much. Nonetheless, it is always nice to welcome new pipe smokers (and introduce different kinds of pipes and tobaccos, promoting PAD and TAD...)



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2017
If there is a trend in growth among those fresh out of high school, it would be good business sense to focus advertising on that age group. I see plenty of people in that age group on this forum and would expect to see many more. Computers were already highly developed during their entire lives, internet sites such as this seems like the best place to promote a growth in the pipe tobacco community.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2017
More is always better. Better selection, variety, and general availability.
According to Scandinavian Tobacco Group filings (the largest and only public company that reports pipe tobacco sales)....
in DKK (Danish Krone)..
2015 629 DKK

2016 569 DKK

2017 575 DKK

2018 572 DKK
Sales are down and expected to be flat in the immediate future

Jul 28, 2016
+ 1 for Mr. Nevadablue for his staement,

Alan73: I have suspect if this Scandinavian Tobacco Groupe decreasing sales has something to do with this nonsense Vaping mode

which seem been pretty popular among younger folks ,only why they don't want look into the pipesmoking but most inevitably are choosing Vaping.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2017
New York City
Reading through all the posted comments makes me scratch my head, and wonder how the statistics were generated. Common, everyday, observations lead me to this conclusion....the statistics are wrong. I believe there is little or no evidence to support the assertion that pipe-smoking is on the increase, for whatever reasons. Numbers can always be "cooked". I haven't seen a gent smoking a pipe, in public, for decades, probably over 50 years, a sight that was very common in my youth. I had one uncle who smoked a pipe, and he's been dead for 20 years. If pipe-smoking is on the increase, where are all these new pipe-smokers, tobacconists, and pipe shops? I have plenty of friends that gave up smoking cigarettes. Not one took up pipe-smoking as a substitute.
Maybe "pipe"-smoking IS on the increase if they have included, bongs, hash-pipes, chillums, vaping paraphranalia and all the other various, sleazy accoutrements of the stoner culture.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I believe there is little or no evidence to support the assertion that pipe-smoking is on the increase, for whatever reasons. Numbers can always be "cooked". I haven't seen a gent smoking a pipe, in public, for decades, probably over 50 years,
You know, with this logic, submarines don't exist, or Canadians, or forrest fires, or even you. I've never seen you. Come on down to Alabama, and pay attention. I see pipes being smoked in traffic in the mornings, out front of the firestation, as people walk by in my small town. I can even find someone to set next to and smoke while my wife is inside the mall. I run into pipe smokers everywhere. And, I have no issue with smoking my pipe everywhere I go. Just because you've never seen anyone... Maybe pipesmoking is more of a Southern Thing now. Do ya'll agree? :puffy:



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I got a brand new tobacconist in my neighborhood. Been at least ten years since the last on closed up. There are always new pipe smokers, some only try it, some may become life long smokers. Also, pipe smokers are being buried with a certain degree of regularity. So, are the numbers increasing, decreasing or maintaining. I've seen no trust worthy numbers to support any of the three. Doesn't mean they aren't out there.
The best numbers would be from big, blenders with regard to annual sales of drug store blends.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015
There goes the neighborhood


Mental illness


Build a wall

Kids these days...



Dec 9, 2016
@Alan73 where did you get that data? Especially for 2018? 8O

According to these financials, STG's revenue has been on the increase since 2012
Revenue(millions DKK) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

5,978.00 5,925.30 6,126.00 6,732.30 6,745.60
@sumusfumus Unfortunately most indoor public spaces are non-smoking now. Besides, when out and about, I find that's easier to smoke a cigar than a pipe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2017
pipeman84: those numbers you provide are all of the business lines including RYO and cigars. My numbers are from the annual reports (where they break down sales by division) and current guidance from management on what the rest of 2017 and 2018 will be



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2017
Sumusfumus: Reading through all the posted comments makes me scratch my head, and wonder how the statistics were generated.
Vokaa provided the source for his Graph with this link
Here is a small except from their test design:

NSDUH is a face-to-face household interview survey that is conducted in two phases: the screening phase and the interview phase. The interviewer conducts a screening of the eligible household with an adult resident (aged 18 or older) in order to determine whether zero, one, or two residents aged 12 or older should be selected for the interview.7 NSDUH collects data using audio computer-assisted self interviewing (ACASI) in which respondents read or listen to the questions on headphones, then enter their answers directly into a NSDUH laptop computer. ACASI is designed for accurate reporting of information by providing respondents with a highly private and confidential mode for responding to questions about illicit drug use, mental health, and other sensitive behaviors. NSDUH also uses computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) in which interviewers read less sensitive questions to respondents and enter the respondents' answers into a NSDUH laptop computer.
In 2015, screening was completed at 132,210 addresses, and 68,073 completed interviews were obtained, including 16,955 interviews from adolescents aged 12 to 17 and 51,118 interviews from adults aged 18 or older. Weighted response rates for household screening and for interviewing were 79.7 and 69.3 percent, respectively, for an overall response rate of 55.2 percent for people aged 12 or older.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2017
STG= Lane Limited, Peter Stokkebye, Borkum Riff, Captain Black, WO Larsen and Erinmore...most well known brands that they sell
Alright I can't post the source material due to copyright restrictions from JP Morgan. In 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Volume decreased by 3-4% per year, with overall revenue largely offset by pricing increases of similar amount. 2013 total volumes was up almost 2% (probably peck and harris).
My conclusion is that volumes speak volumes :rofl:
Tobacco sales have been in decline for some time, me hopes that more people quit cigs and join the pipe revolution.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2017
3-4% decline in sales per year seems to dispel any suggestion of an increase in smokers. Thanks for sharing what you could.



Dec 9, 2016
Ok, that's decline in STG's volumes. One observation though: the great majority of STG's pipe tobacco is aromatic...from my own experience and what I've read, people usually start with aromatics and then move on to non-aromatics. If I look at my pipe tobacco expenses for the past year (started in November 2016), most of my $$ went to kohlhase&kopp, producers of Dunhill, Rattray's, Samuel Gawith, Robert Mcconnell and others.



Oct 10, 2013
STG manufactures more non-aromatic tobacco than any other company, but nonetheless 95% of pipe tobacco sales in the US are aromatics.

Jul 28, 2016
Those who gave up smoking cigarettes presumably wouldn't mind looking into pipesmoking because this is very time consuming And definitely not a hussle free way of using tobacco products, especially If you are young,virile and full of energy.

Jan 4, 2015
The 18-25 demographic is probably not the best indicator of an increased pipe smoking. Traditionally only a small percentage of them will stay with it. Image more than enjoyment drives their choices.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2017
I was thinking something similar Gloucesterman. They also do not have a lot of money to spend on cellaring. Even so, the graph does show that a greater number of young adults are trying out pipe smoking. The reason for that is mysterious. Alan73 showed evidence that the volume of tobacco sold is less for one large producer, but this could also be related to the general economy. I do not follow economics, nor know how other luxury goods are fairing nowadays. Pipes may becoming popular due to their image (healthier/cleaner image than cigarettes), but they are filled with an enjoyable nicotine laden leaf. Which is not something many like to part with. Seeing this graph in another ten years will better show if the increased rate transfers to the next age group, and hopefully, pipe tobacco prosperity.

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