This doesn't come in a tin that I could find, but putting that aside... this nice alternative to Sasieni Balkan comes in incredibly long ribbons, some over 4" are stuffed into my Peterson Dracula 999, drooling in anticipation.
A combination of Black Cavendish, Cyprian Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia are savory and delicious.
Though not as intricate as Sasieni, flavors are similar, with a nod to licorice, vanilla, woody cinnamon, and floral overtones with a punky rosewood oil throughout. Fairly smooth and truly tasty a blend, with medium nicotine strength, the Cavendish mellows out and balances the overall theme in-between puffs of toast and of heavy table-creamed, vanilla cappuccino.
Nice lingering taste afterwards, and the Latakia is predominant but pleasantly blended.