You guys touched on something too. Horse ownership is a way of life for me rather than a hobby. I couldn't / wouldn't live without mine either. But even with 5 horses I don't find it that expensive, although hay is fairly cheap compared to some places I've heard - I'm paying $45 for good alfalfa round bales that keep the 5 of them fed for 10 days. I do my own trimming, vaccinations etc. The only other expenses are vet bills, which thankfully are rare, but in any event are way way cheaper than small animal vet costs (in this country, anyways!). If you're just getting into horses theres a bunch of fixed costs:saddles, bits and bridles and whatever misc tack you need, trailer - but those are one time costs for the most part. That takes care of ownership. What I spend on top of that is for activities...gas in the truck to haul to the mountains, entry fees for events,,,beer and pipe tobacco for a camping weekend ha ha!