Anyone Own Horses?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2011
Rapid City, SD
Hunter, the tree hunt went well. I got a later start than I wanted, but I got it done. The temperature was perfect (50 F), and the sun was bright. I was up at 6,000 feet, but there was only about 4 inches of snow. We didn't have any ice to deal with. We pulled into our parking spot at 3pm. I fired up my billiard with Butternut Burley and unloaded my horse. I mounted up and picked up my chainsaw from the tailgate. I found the previously-marked tree within 10 minutes of riding. The chainsaw worked well, and I felled the tree within another 10 minutes. I rode back to the truck to drop off the chainsaw and then went back for the tree. When I got back I put my rope around the trunk and dragged the tree back to the truck.
Luckily I used a pipe that practically smokes itself because I didn't have a free hand. I used a good pipe for clenching. Once I got the tree loaded on the truck I still had an hour of daylight. I went on a little trail ride with my dog to finish my bowl. My big palomino likes to run, so I let him lope for a lot of the ride. My dog enjoyed the run as well.
I had to get home in time for my son's hockey game at 8 o'clock, so we will set up the tree in the morning. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so I can ride some more tomorrow before another hockey game in the afternoon.
It was a great day!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 31, 2011
Miss my dad's horses we had growing up. The neighbor here has 2 but I have no room for them. Maybe one day when I have a place farther away from the big city I will have a couple. Actually been thinking of moving and starting farming. Dad did it and raised 4 kids. And besides, I miss the fresh raw milk and farm raised beef.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
Sdcowboy...well I'm jealous! I got 4 horses rode but never left the pasture. Don't have a tree either this year. On the road for the next couple days - with a horse - so was trying to get as much work done as I could. You did give me an idea though. I've got a sturdy Palomino too. Started him this year, and pulling stuff around is a good next step for him at this point. We usually have a few winter parties pulling skiers around behind the horses. Butternut Burley, eh? Looks like it gets awesome reviews.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
Hey revs, if you hop the fence and 'borrow' your neighbors horse, will he notice?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2011
Rapid City, SD
Hunter, where are you going on the road? I enjoy traveling with horses. I hope you're having a good time. I've never done skijorring with my horses, but it is certainly something that sounds like fun! Breaking horses to pull is pretty easy. I always start with a small log and work my way up. Before you know it, I'm dragging steers in the roping pen with them!
I've become quite fond of Butternut Burley. It smells nice, tastes great, and it never bites. The non-smoking crowd generally seems to enjoy it as well. I tend to stay away from the really smelly stuff, so I usually don't get the dirty looks. With BB I always get compliments.
You can't beat the price from either!



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
Not the most exciting trip. I was at a conference with a silent auction and I put a bid on an equine therapy package. I have a horse that broke his neck 3 years ago and it's been a really long road, with lots of learning, and hours of care - but I'm riding him. The deal was for several laser therapy sessions. I'm skeptical but thought I'd do some research on it, let them work on my horse, and write an article on it. About a 2 1/2 hour drive north, and I spent a night in the trailer. They think it will help with nerve regeneration and scar tissue reduction. All I know is that my horse loved it. He stood there with his eyes practically closed for over an hour. Also looked at some property...20ac with house/barn, all set up for horses.
Skijorring is a riot. If you make sharp turns you can really whip the skiers/snowboarders/tubers around. It's a lot of fun. Well at least it looks like it - I'm always on the horse. But that's where I'd rather be anyway!
I looked at the pipesandcigars site, but I'm always cautious of international shipping. I've had good luck with 4Noggins, and service there is awesome. Last I got from them was Three Blind Moose, which elicited one comment from around the campfire: "Oh, that smells YUMMY!"



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2011
Rapid City, SD
Hunter, I hope you have a living quarters horse trailer. I've got one, and I love it. Sleeping in the trailer is a lot easier when you have a nice bed, heat, a tv, and a shower!
I'm really looking forward to trying skijoring. Like you, I'm not really interested in the skiing part. I'd rather be on the horse. Now if we ever get enough snow this year...
I've always received top notch service from I haven't ordered from 4Noggins, but I might have to. The reviews on Three Blind Moose sound great. It just might be their equivalent of Butternut Burley.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
I know it. When I was outfitting, we slept under the stars or in a canvas tent if the weather was bad. So I'm not too fussy on where I bed down for the night. However moving cattle in the fall I typically stayed in the back of my bumper pull. Just threw a tarp down on the floor, set up a folding table and cot, catalytic heater and I was good to go. I have a thermarest in my bedroll, so I'm good to about -20C without a heater, but it sure is nice to crawl out of bed and not be freezing your posterior off LOL. So I've been in the market for a living quarter trailer, since I spent most of last year living in an rv. Looking for 14' shortwall with a slide, 8' wide. Some manufacturers are out of my budget, but Lakota and Bison both make trailers that fit my specs for a reasonable price. I haven't seen anything on the used market that is worth buying when I take into account travel costs, tax, etc. But if you know of anyone selling one, let me know. What do you have?
Weather is really crazy around here. Last year we had Fall conditions right up to the end of January, so not much snow. This year we started off with lots, but there really isn't much on the ground. If I drive an hour north, there is about a foot of snow. I'm right near the mountains, so we get a lot of warm weather (chinook) whenever the wind is from the west. So not enough snow right here for skijouring. We have tried it in the dirt in the arena before (beer induced event) but that resulted in a lot of faceplants. Dirt has more friction than snow, apparently!
Customs is always a big question mark when ordering. It's a hit-and-miss gamble, but it is cheaper for me to pay $12 in shipping for 2oz than it is to buy it here. And it would cost more than $12 of diesel in the dually to drive anywhere anyway! So I've stuck with 4Noggins because its worked. And they have a decent selection. Was looking at ordering some of C&D's Autumn Evening - any experience with that, or their others?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2011
Rapid City, SD
I STRONGLY recommend a living quarters trailer. Mine is a 2004 Bison Alumasport with a 10' short wall and a slide. The slide makes all the difference in the world because it opens up the whole space. Even with the 10' wall we have plenty of room. When we go camping we have my wife, my son, the dog, and me. We have plenty of space. We have the dinette option in the slide, and it converts to a true full size bed for my son. The bed in the gooseneck is quite comfortable for sleeping. It has a queen size bed. I don't know of any good used trailers on the market, but I see a few on Facebook from time to time. Are you on Facebook? I belong to a group there called South Dakota Equine Network, and good trailers show up there occasionally.
Our weather here sounds similar to yours. We are on the eastern slope of the Black Hills, and our climate is identical to Denver's. To give you an idea, our golf courses don't close during the winter. While we can have cold snaps and winter storms, we have frequent chinook winds and mild periods. The only factor is the reduced daylight. Otherwise I ride year round. This week our temperatures are in the mid 40's, but next week we are expecting highs in the low 30's.
I can imagine customs is a big issue for you. Wasn't NAFTA supposed to unite the North American economies and eliminate customs duties eventually? What kind of quantities of tobacco can be mailed across the border before you get a big bill from the federal government? You mention Autumn Evening. That is one of my favorites. I don't think it tastes the way it smells, but it still tastes great. I've been told that the room note is quite pleasant, but I've never been around anyone else who was smoking it. Another similar blend that I enjoy is McClelland's Town Topic. It is another maple that is smooth and a real crowd pleaser. I try to keep both in stock here at home along with Butternut Burley, Bob's Chocolate Flake, Frog Morton on the Town, and Two Friends' English Chocolate.
I probably only smoke a pipe a couple times a week, so a little bit goes a long way. Usually I have a dip of Copenhagen in my lip because it isn't easy to find a place for a pipe. This morning I had to replace the alternator on my F350. I enjoyed a pipeful of BB while I worked. It made the job a lot more fun!



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
I like the Bisons. Friend of mine has the 4h 14'sw. Nice because it has the dinette and the couch. They have 4 kids, so they need the space! It's a long trailer though... I was looking at this one. The same price ranges as the Bisons. I'm on Facebook (although I don't hang out there much) so I'll have a look. I keep my eye on I'm looking at buying some property right now too (20ac with house and barn) so that might cancel the trailer purchase...for the short term!
You're actually a few degrees colder right now than we are. But that's about to change. We've got a chinook wind howling now, and it's above freezing. Supposed to get colder over the weekend, about -5F (think that equates to -21C). Not bad as long as the wind isn't blowing. I ride year round. Bareback is great when it's cold!
Customs is like rolling the dice. NAFTA is great for hauling a new LQ trailer across the border! However tobacco - there is no 'limit' for mail ordering. So they can slap you with duty for the smallest amount. There are duty-free limits if I travel across the border. I've got some Autumn Evening in the 4Noggins shopping cart - just have to click the button. Hoping it gets 'ignored' with all the Christmas shipping. I hear a lot about Frog Morton OTT. Might have to grab that too.
If I get to a pipe twice a week that's more than usual! This time of year sucks a little bit because it's typically really windy, so pipe smoking outside doesn't happen that much. Was doing an irregular 'scotch and pipe night' with some friends, but has been over 6 months for that too. The Three Blind Moose is gone as of today, but I ordered that in June. Typically have Copenhagen around, but kind of the same deal: $22.79 + tax. Retarded. I was in Arizona for a couple of weeks earlier in the year and grabbed some...can't remember...maybe Timber Wolf? But I paid less than $3. All we get is Skoal and Cope here so wanted to try something else.
How was the alternator replacement? I have an far haven't had to do that. Bought the extended warranty this year (which has already paid for itself). Right now I'm working - again - on my shitty Circle J bumper pull - the hub failed and wheel fell off. Thank God it was when I was backing up the driveway, not doing 70mph down the highway.



Nov 20, 2012
In my younger days, I owned 3 1/2 horses (one was a mule). I loved to go packing in the Sawtooth wilderness and Seven Devils area of Idaho. When I moved to North Idaho, my acreage was forested with no pasture and I sold out.

Horses are expensive and time consuming and they take a great deal of dedication.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
True. But I look at it a little differently. My truck, my quad and my dirtbike are expensive and time consuming but they don't give anything back to me. A horse is an animal that, given the opportunity, can reward you with loyalty, trust, respect and teach you a lot about patience, leadership and communication. And like you say - that's where the dedication comes in.



Nov 20, 2012
Did I mention I had no pasture in North Idaho? I inherited the land so the type was not my choice. Dedication is one thing but paying to board 4 animals is another. Sometimes I still wish I owned horses as this is beautiful country to ride.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2011
Rapid City, SD
Hunter, I've been away for a few days at my son's hockey games out of town. We left Rapid City on Friday and it was 55 degrees with no wind! We travelled to Pierre (state capital), and when we got there it was 20 degrees. That was as warm as it got the whole weekend! Today we have snow showers and 15 degrees. My wife and I have a tradition of horseback riding on Christmas. She wants to skip that this year because it is so cold. She asked if I'd like to take a trip up to Deadwood for a little blackjack tomorrow instead. I think we will do that. My son is going to his mothers house tomorrow around noon.
I couldn't agree more about riding bareback during the winter. I really enjoy that because it helps me to develop a better riding seat. If you really want a challenge, try smoking your pipe while riding bareback! I tried it this past spring with success. I had my pipe and tobacco in my vest pocket. I jumped on my big palomino using my bareback pad and took off on a cruise around the section line. After a while I realized I had my pipe with me, so I fired it up. I rode for another 60 minutes to finish the bowl. I've done it several times since. It's actually quite enjoyable.
Scotch and pipe night sounds awesome! i bet my wife wouldbhate it. i just tell her that I'm not smoking...its just aromatherapy for men. Copenhagen sure sounds expensive in Canada. Last time I was in Canada I brought enough with me across the border for the time I would be there, so I didn't have to get sticker shock. Here in South Dakota I pay $4.39 a can at the Loaf and Jug convenience store. I should quit and save the money.
The alternator replacement went well. It performed great on our road trip. I'm still worried that the fuel injector control module could go bad. I'm crossing my fingers and toes!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 24, 2011
Rapid City, SD
Too bad about the lack of pasture. It sounds like you're in a great area for horses. You mention that you have some land. Would it be too expensive to dry lot your horses and feed hay? I couldn't imagine being without my ponies.



Nov 20, 2012

I live on five acres of forested land. Its beautiful but no pasture whatsoever. I would need to cut down a bunch of trees and build a horse shelter as it snows big-time in this area. Dry lot feeding year around would be extremely cost prohibitive in this area. I am retired now with a limited income. I enjoyed my horses when I had them but you know how expensive they are with farrier bills, vet bills, feed bills,grooming and constant care of miscellaneous equine equipment. When you own horses you have time for little else, which is fine if that is your choice. When I retired, I wanted some freedom to go and do what I wanted... hard to do if you have a string of animals. What I need to find is a horse owner that is in search of a riding partner and will furnish the horses!



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012
Christmas dinner for the ponies? Well there is an old bag of carrots in the fridge that might find it's way out to the pasture. But they rarely get treats. It's 4AM...woke up for some reason and checked the weather. Almost -30C. I'm hoping it warms up a bit so I can tow people around behind the horses today! Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas eveyone!

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