That one looks good, I don't know that you should buy something different. And given enough time to build up some cake, which all pipes will do, they will all ghost to some degree or another. If you believe a ceramic pipe or meer won't ghost, smoke some tobacco with Lakeland essence in it and you'll quickly find out that's not true.
All blends will ghost to a certain extent. The stronger the blend, the more it will ghost. The way to prevent this is to dedicate pipes to a certain genre or a specific blend. Were I to smoke just one bowl of a VaPer, VaOr or English blend (especially) in my Altinok (which is dedicated to Sir John Flake Virginia), I would easily be able to detect the other blend the next time I smoke Sir John's in it. If you want to fully enjoy and appreciate a specific blend, dedicate a pipe to it for 25 or more bowls and see this for yourself.