Can't stand messes.It must take you all day just to smoke one bowl! With all the cleaning, polishing, and wiping. And then not to mention you clean your lighter every time too? Sheesh!!!
Can't stand messes.It must take you all day just to smoke one bowl! With all the cleaning, polishing, and wiping. And then not to mention you clean your lighter every time too? Sheesh!!!
Can't stand messes.
Can’t say I enjoy it the way the OP does. Well, I enjoy being finished and I enjoy smoking out of a clean bowl & stem - but the actual dirty work... no. I’ve toyed around with offering my teens a little spending cash to take over the task, but I’m not ready to hand over some of the finer pieces, nor a bottle of 151 ? So, out of a rotation of 108 pipes, I smoke about half the collection 2-4 times each every 2 months or so, then call up a good playlist and settle in for 3-4hrs of maintenance. That said, once I’m done, walking into the pipe closet and having nearly every pipe fresh and ready is my definition of true wealth!
For an old piece ofeveryone knows you can't polish a turd
An old trick for lifting dents and dings out of gunstocks and pool cues as well.Out of boredom I did discover small dings in briar can be lifted with water and a lighter when I was cleaning last night.