Any tobaccos with this description?

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Apr 17, 2016
Hey all,

I'm a newbie with pipe tobacco and there's so many options and types out there I've been trying to try them all until I really start getting a taste for what suits me. Currently, I find that I really enjoy most McClelland tobaccos ( especially the frog) and am slowly working my way through other brands. But I've seen a few tobaccos that seem interesting (particularly Lane Limited 125th anniversary) that have a description that goes along the lines of "sweet grass/hay field, grassy/oaty,or sweet hay and honey"
My question is, are there any tobaccos you recommend with these notes? That kind of description reminds me of being in a wheat field in Iowa (trust me they grow a lot of wheat with their corn) and reminds me of a warm summer day in general.
For now, I lean towards more mild blends and I don't have a particular preference for aro (as long as it's not heavily cased) or non-aro. Like I said, I am new and without knowledge and anything brought to the table is appreciated!




May 25, 2012
Solani 633 (Virginia and Perique) is my go-to for sweet, grassy, honey-like flavors. It's a bit pricey, but one of the best light, sweet VAs out there.
Another in a similar vein is Macbaren Virginia No.1 -- it's definitely bright and grassy, with a light sweetness added to it. BUT, some people's palates (my own included) just don't get along well with Macbaren tobaccos.
By the way, if you're just starting out with VAs, chances are that the first few smokes will taste like hot, smoky air. For whatever reason, it usually takes a bit of time before the palate learns how to get the flavor of VAs. That's not always the case, but don't be too discouraged if the first few smokes are less than stellar.
EDIT: I haven't smoked it, but the Lane Limited 125th anniversary sounds like the kind of blend you're looking for.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
+1 what Duane said. (chasingembers)

Newminster #400 flake is exactly what you describe. As with any Virginia flake, the flavors are most available to the slow sipper.

If you find one tobacco that is pleasant, I suggest you smoke it almost exclusively for a week or more just to learn the blend and develop your technique.

For me, that blend was Sir Walter Raleigh. Another blend that both 'newbies' and old hands usually enjoy is Carter Hall. Prince Albert might work too.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 5, 2014
Give the lane a shot - nice, simple, light on wallet too

Try to new Amphora original

Reiner 71 might suit you

I also would try Newminster superior round...but that blend can bite
Or try Royal Yacht...less hay but might be something you enjoy



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Lane's 125, a very dry, very lightly cased, flue-cured Virginia in the yellow to gold range, is reminiscent of Daughters Ryan's WindSail or one of the C&D Virginia offerings (maybe try Virginia flake by them), or Rattrays 40th Virginia. Those are if you are looking for something in the very same vein. In fact, I'd have a hard time telling those tobaccos apart. But, really, McClelland has quite a range of excellent Virginias to explore. You could spend a few years exploring those. As far as suggesting something outside the ballpark you suggested, everyone else seems to have their own suggestions that are pretty good, some close to what you were looking for, some completely out of the spectrum, ha ha. The fun is in exploring. At this point in your hobby, you probably won't be 100% disappointing in anything you try, so jump in and start trying stuff.

I hope this helps. Have fun, and don't worry about what genre you think you should fit into it. Just try everything. While I identify mostly as a Virginia smoker, I am always trying new things and smoking something different every day. Don't worry so much about pinning a label on yourself. :puffy:



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Virginias are subtle in allowing one to sense all of the flavors going on. It took me quite a while to "get" Virginias. We had a couple of barista coffee tasters on the forum more often when one talked me through some tastings. Astleys 109 was the first tobacco that switched the light on in my head. You might try using a smaller diameter pipe (.5"- .7") and instead of trying to taste the smoke, retrohale to get more focus on the flavors. You'll also want to keep some water or something to cleanse your palate, and don't inhale. The moment you inhale the smoke, you can no longer taste it at all. I hope that helps. There is more I could suggest, but I don't want to write a novel on this fellow's post.



May 5, 2014
Anything red, yellow, or gold virginia.
That is what you need to search for in a blend. Preferrably, exclusively virginia tobacco with these color descriptions.
Any time perique or latakia or orientals are thrown into the mix, it can really change the flavor profile.



May 5, 2014
By the way, are you in the states? Please PM me. I think I can dig through my cellar and send you a few samples to try so you don't have to buy full tins not knowing what it is you like yet.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I don't get an oaty or hay like aroma from reds, just the golden, and just the ones with only a light casing, maybe a honey casing. But, when you add reds to the mix, it deepens the flavor out of that hay range... for me anyways. Also, some flakes tend to lose the oaty flavors for me. Not all, just most.



Apr 17, 2016
Hey everyone,

I wanted to post a huge thank you to the suggestions and info! I'm making a master list from all the posts and will narrow it down from there! I've been smoking pipes for about 6 months now and have been trying to get my hands on anything that sounds interesting.
I knew I should've thrown an ounce of Lane's 125th in my last order from smokingpipes

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