Checklist for Trying Different Varieties of Tobacco?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
I know there are no cut-and-dried categories in the tobacco world, and a lot of overlap, but I've been trying to make a sort of checklist for trying out different kinds of pipe tobacco. I'm a fairly new smoker, and I enjoy variety. I figure if I try some quintessential blends in each category, I can narrow down what my favorite my be.
So far I've tried--
- Aromatics - I've tried plenty of these.
- "English" / Latakia blends - I've tried Nightcap and the hybrid FM Cellar, and like both.
- Non-aromatics - I've tried several of these, and have found some I like. MC 5100 is my favorite so far.
You'll notice the one constant is that I liked all of these. No one category wins out, either; I enjoy rotating these fairly regularly. Now, I'm wondering what broad categories I have left to try. Some I've seen mentioned are:
- Virginia / Perique blends - Escudo is the blend I see mentioned most frequently; it seems to be to Va/Pers what Nightcap is to English blends. That said, PS Luxury Navy, Bullseye, and a few others also seem to be frequently mentioned.
- Lakeland blends - From what I've read, these might be the first category of blends that I'm not a fan of, but I'd still like to try them anyway. I understand Gawith Hoggarth & Co is the main producer, but is there a particular blend that is the archetypal Lakeland blend? Is 1792 Flake a Lakeland blend, or just a close cousin?
- Cigar Leaf blends - I'm going to order some of this, not so much for myself, but for a friend who really likes the cigar taste. What might be a decent blend with cigar leaf, but no latakia? I've noticed most highly recommended cigar blends include latakia, but my buddy (strangely enough) likes cigars, but not latakia. This seems bizarre to me: although English blends and cigars taste quite different, I feel the experience of smoking them is much closer than cigars than it is aromatics, but when it comes to pipes he is a Lane 1Q guy. Yet he's always looking for a cigar leaf blend.
- Exotic / Misc. Tobacco - I've read about things like Tambolaka and Semois. I'll probably get around to these last, but it's still nice to have them on my list. (I've also heard Semois actually produces a cigar-like experience in the pipe, so that may be relevant to my previous group.)
If you guys think of anymore broad categories, feel free to suggest a quintessential blend for that category. I don't like easing my way into blends, but rather trying the extreme and working my way back if it's too much--e.g., beginning English blends by trying Nightcap.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I've noticed most highly recommended cigar blends include latakia, but my buddy (strangely enough) likes cigars, but not latakia. This seems bizarre to me: although English blends and cigars taste quite different, I feel the experience of smoking them is much closer than cigars than it is aromatics, but when it comes to pipes he is a Lane 1Q guy. Yet he's always looking for a cigar leaf blend.

You get the taste of a cigar imparted from the leaf touching your lips. So, in a pipe, cigar leaf just doesn't taste like a cigar. We use it as a condiment leaf to add spice to latakia mixes. But, if you want a smoke that tastes and smells like a cigar, try some Semois. Everytime I light it up a cigar guy will come along and remark that it smells like a wonderful cigar... after the barnyard smell dissipates some.
All in all, after years I decided that I wasn't going to pick a favorite. I just enjoy whatever it is that I am smoking at the moment. I'm not looking for anything other than an enjoyment for right now.

Have fun... :puffy:



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
If you want to get into Virgina,Virgina/Perique and Virginia/Kentucky/Burley flakes here is the quintissential list, that all gourmands use today.
Virginia Flakes:

Fribourg&Treyer Cut Virginia Plug TR

Fribourg and Treyer VintageTR

Fribourg & Treyer Special Brown FlakeTR

Wessex Campaign Brigade Dark FlakeTR

Wessex Brown Virginia Flake TR

Wessex Gold Virginia Flake TR

Wessex Gold Brick TR

Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake

Samuel Gawith full Virginia Flake

Hamborger VeermasterTR

Dunhill Flake TR

Astley’s no. 44 Dark Flake TR

Astleys 109TR

John Aylesbury  Luxury Flake TR

Rotary Navy CutTR

Capstan Blue FlakeTR

Brigham Klondike Gold TR


Virginia/Perique Flakes


Solani 633 TR

Samuel Gawith St James Flake

Dunhill Deluxe Navy RollsTR
Virginia/Burley/Kentucky Flakes

Solani Silver Flake TR

Peterson Perfect Plug

GL Pease NavigatorTR

Petersons Irish Flake

Peterson University Flake

Esoterica  Stonehaven

Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired

Wallace Flake TR

Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky TR
Aromatic flakes.
Mac Baren Modern Virginia Flake TR

Mac Baren Vanilla Creme Flake TR
The TR next to a name means tin ready no drying time needed. I prefer my flakes to be on the moist side as I loose flavor if the flake is too dry.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
Harris - great list. I don't recall seeing it this succinctly, but I'm imagining you've posted it before. And I'm not the guy to water down your list, but no McClelland Virginias? And no G.L. Pease products like Jack Knife Plug or SixPence? I see you've got Navigator on there. Reiner Long Golden Flake is the other I see mentioned a lot. Orlik Golden Sliced not really a flake perhaps?
Yours is one helluva solid list though. I'm copy-and=pasting it. :)



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
jmatt, I would love to have MC and many Pease blends on my list but red virginia's toast my tongue and most of those houses use it a lot. I have tried many of their blends but could not smoke them without pain.
No Reiner because of the white burley in it, I wanted to love that flake as it is pretty. No Orlik GS because it is too grassy for me. I do love it with at least ten years, but I have too many other flakes I like better to cellar it in big quantities.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 25, 2014
Well-defended rationale Harris. As I said - I'm keeping your list. I've had almost everything on your list except the Astley and Fribourg product lines.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
Thanks, guys! I love this forum: these lists and suggestions are quite helpful.
Any feedback/suggestions on Lakelands?



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2014
But, if you want a smoke that tastes and smells like a cigar, try some Semois
Makes sense. I believe the Semois sold commercially is a Cigar Filler Type. I'll be growing it this year ( seed right from Joseph Martin). I'll let you all know this Oct/Nov.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
Don't! but if you do, don't complain that we didn't warn ya.

Haha! That's the general sentiment I see repeated (plus "hairspray, grandma's perfume, etc."), except by a select few.
Does 1792 Flake qualify as a Lakeland? I see tonquin bean mentioned, which I believe is a Lakeland essence.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
1792 is definitely the more tolerable of the lakelands. But, most of the crap they put into the lakelands is stuff they also used in ancient perfumes, rose geranium, tonquin beans, etc... True lakelands, I can't bring myself to smoke. nasty. But, 1792 is at least tolerable. I've even almost enjoyed it once.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
Thanks. Perhaps I'll start with 1792. If I fall in love with it, I can always order some of the crazy Lakeland blends, but I somehow doubt that will be the case.
I notice I've also left out the "Oriental/Balkan" blends. It looks like maybe H&H Blackhouse, Balkan Supreme, and PS English Oriental Supreme might be good places to start.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Some essentials (my favorites);
Reiner - Long Golden Flake (Hands down my favorite)


Smokers Haven - Exotique (Theeee BEST Balkan/Oriental blend EVER!)

Orlik - Golden Sliced

Orlik - Dark Strong Kentucky

Sillem - Black (Excellent crossover, Aro/Latakia)

H&H - Bengal Slices (a unique Balkan)

SG - Full Virginia Flake

SG - St. James Flake
Hard to find, but worth the effort

Esoterica - Penzance

Esoterica - Stonehaven

Esoterica - Pembroke (a bit easier to find than the first two)

Motzek - Strang (Only sold in Germany)



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I still have some Ennerdale. It ghosted one of my Meers! I like it though. I even enjoyed tasting Mix79, and retained some of that too. I keep them in jars just to take out to smell once in awhile. It always makes me smile.



Feb 21, 2013
I don't smoke Lakelands so I am just reporting what others have written on Forums, but if you try them, use a designated corncob pipe. As I suspect you know, they are infamous for ghosting pipes permanently. That is, once you've smoked them in a pipe, it will always have that flavor no matter what blend you smoke. So invest in an inexpensive but quality MM cob that you can discard if you decide you don't like the Lakeland experience. Even if you do like them, keep a designated set of pipes for smoking them. Just wanted to make that clear so you don't ghost a well-loved pipe unless you intend to do it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2016
Thanks for the info and for all the new recommendations. I take back what I said about jumping in to blend varieties: I think I may try 1792 and see if I can build up my courage for Ennerdale. :)

I do have a few spare cobs that I can use.

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