Any Non - P.C. Pipe Forums???

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
PC shmee shee. This is a pipe forum. There is no shortage of political forums where one can go and rant to one's heart's content. It's great not to have that here.
Tobacco related legislation is included here because it affects pipe smoking. To the extent that comments relate directly to the legislation they're useful.
Every time generic political discussions have erupted here it has led to explosions. It's a lose, lose proposition. That's why the decision was made a few years back to explicitly ban such discussions.



Feb 13, 2015
Even with the occasional controversial topic dustups, I haven't seen too much "PC" action on this forum. Trying to maintain a civil and non-insulting tone in a discussion doesn't fit my definition of "PC". Deliberate twisting of statistics, skewing of facts, purposely taking information out of context, or pretending certain information simply does not exist is more akin to my definition of "PC".
The reason discussing controversial topics often doesn't go well here? I think Pagan hit the nail on the head, possibly without even knowing it. When he mentions a "pissing match with some fool" and the possibility of being "drawn in by some dumbass", it embodies the entire spirit of many of these discussions. Already assuming you are dealing with a fool or dumbass before the discussion starts is a pretty solid recipe for things to go off the rails. So, serious discussions? Probably out of the question.
Generally, when you say something someone does not like on this (or any) forum, the responder does not start with a rebuttal or refutation. Usually the first step is a detailed parsing of everything you have typed, in order to catalog all the examples therein of irrefutable evidence that you have: zero education, no possible grasp of any facts whatsoever, a complete lack of critical thinking skills, no experience in any field whatsoever, a profound lack of literacy, and exceptionally dubious breeding. The responder then shows the good grace of not demeaning themselves to engage with such a halfwit, who could not possibly have access to the type of education, experience, or pool of information that they have.
All in all, we do better talking about pipes.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 30, 2015
The fact is that many of us would not like many of us if we really got to know each other. The one thing we have in common is pipe smoking.
Man, that sentiment is probably true and makes me sad.
I'm assuming I'm on the younger side of the spectrum here at 37 years old, and one of the things that my generation just sucks at (myself regrettably included) is finding ways to foster friendships with people who hold different or even opposite views.
Not tolerating blatant racism, bigotry, or homophobia is something I'm proud of, and those my age and younger have made that the cultural norm. Lumping reasonable and intelligent people into those or similar groups based simply on rational disagreement is something my generation does that's shameful.
Maybe if more people my age smoked pipes....


Jun 3, 2015
Twitter and Facebook, probably the better option for non pipe talk. Plenty of walls to spew to.



May 28, 2015
One of the problems with the Internet is the ease at which you can have your preconceived ideas confirmed without any opposing view point.
It's hard to learn something new if you are never exposed to something new.



Feb 13, 2015
@jefff- Sure, but one of the great things about the Internet is the ease with which you can use it for just the opposite. I think it's like using a hammer to hit your thumb, or to drive a nail. Either way, it's how you use the tool.



Jul 21, 2015
The fact is that many of us would not like many of us if we really got to know each other.
I must disagree here. It is possible to like and enjoy people whilst thinking they are completely wrong in politics.
It helps, by the way, to read the great philosophers. They agree on a lot; they disagree on some key points. And yet, one senses they could be congenial with each other...



Mar 7, 2013
The fact is that many of us would not like many of us if we really got to know each other.
That is exactly the opposite of my experience.
The lack of visual and vocal cues makes written conversation a minefield of confirmation bias any time a disagreement pops up. Things are "heard" in imagined tones, and responded to in kind. The shit then (too often) hits the fan.
Face-to-face, the bandwidth is an order of magnitude more broad.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I don't get it, I'm extremely un-PC, I just come here to talk about pipes though. There's plenty of forums where you can engage in very extreme behavior.

May 4, 2015
The fact is that many of us would not like many of us if we really got to know each other. The one thing we have in common is pipe smoking.
I like everybody here. Except shutterbugg. He rubs me the wrong way.
EDIT: I forgot to put my winkey face. :wink:



May 28, 2015
I would just like to point out that I didn't say all of us, or even most of us. I said many of us and I added REALLY got to know each other.
Once again.... My counting Nate. Poor bastard has to buy a 500.00 key.

Dec 28, 2015
I agree with you completely on that point Jeff. Point well taken. And since I do like "most" of you guys I prefer to keep it that way. Now I can just judge people on their music and tobacco taste and not politics!



Feb 21, 2013
I think the pipes and tobacco would quickly disappear in the dust, the blood, and the beer without careful moderating. There's politically correct, which has come to mean taking people to task for any of four hundred or more uses of language that might be innocuous. That's one thing. But there is also simple civility, manners, and human decency, which is missing in vast segments of the net, social media, etc. Merely being horrible, cruel, obscene, rude, nasty and mentally ill does not make anyone truthful, factual, upright, or culturally cleansing. This may seem like a very minor distinction to some, but I think it is central to civilization. Just my quirk.



Sep 14, 2015
It helps, by the way, to read the great philosophers. They agree on a lot
Which of the philosophers were great?
What did they agree on?
I don't think philosophers were always the agreeable gentlemen we have been led to believe. I heard Keirkegaard stabbed a guy, then asked his forgiveness.
I'm not the least bit PC. All my stuff is Macintosh.

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