I’ve had this pipe a couple years.
It came in a two pipe case with short horn and two long rubber stems. Bits are narrow with the wide lozenge shaped openings. The straight pipe is long gone.
The silver hallmarks are very rubbed out and, I thought, indecipherable. I took a close photo and enlarged it on my phone and I get a London hallmark that looks like a u for 1915.
What is unusual is that the case and shank logo is L&Co in a diamond. I also have a cased set that is clearly marked as 1914. Those pipes and case have the typical lozenge logo.
Is the diamond logo indicative of a pipe perhaps a couple decades earlier in the hallmark cycle? The murkiness of the hallmarks adds a lot of uncertainty.
It came in a two pipe case with short horn and two long rubber stems. Bits are narrow with the wide lozenge shaped openings. The straight pipe is long gone.
The silver hallmarks are very rubbed out and, I thought, indecipherable. I took a close photo and enlarged it on my phone and I get a London hallmark that looks like a u for 1915.
What is unusual is that the case and shank logo is L&Co in a diamond. I also have a cased set that is clearly marked as 1914. Those pipes and case have the typical lozenge logo.
Is the diamond logo indicative of a pipe perhaps a couple decades earlier in the hallmark cycle? The murkiness of the hallmarks adds a lot of uncertainty.