Ha ha! There is more talk about shoving a pipe in your ass than smoking a Peterson System pipe. So I have to ASSume rectal smoking ranks higher than Peterson pipes here.Personally I kinda like my Peterson. The proof is in the well after you are done. I'm still learning and I do not smoke typical goopy aros. I air dry moist flakes and tobacco on a shoe box cover, try real hard to keep a "sipping" cadence and when my pipe is cool enough to pull the stem it still requires 3 Q-tips to dry the well. I always run a cleaner through a moist smoking pipe while smoking and I am meticulous about cleaning my pipes when finished. For me my System XL, so far, is my favorite pipe to smoke for a long dry relaxing bowl, as far as "anal puffing", I'll wait to see if Brian can get a guest to explain that technique in "Pipe Parts".