I'm going to be going to a large, outdoor event later this month (Tiki Oasis.) but all smoking will be relegated to small areas away from the action. I would like to bring my pipe with me, but that'll force me to choose between smoking my pipe by myself or hanging out and drinking cocktails with friends I don't see much. However, this is the kind of event where it's easy to meet new friends, who will be more than happy to share drinks.
So my question is: What blends do you find strangers and non-smokers are most drawn too? I've had a decent amount of success with Lane 1Q, but just looking to see if I should try anything thing else. Bonus if it will go with strong rum, cinnamon, and grapefruit/lime.
So my question is: What blends do you find strangers and non-smokers are most drawn too? I've had a decent amount of success with Lane 1Q, but just looking to see if I should try anything thing else. Bonus if it will go with strong rum, cinnamon, and grapefruit/lime.