I have three Falcons and they were amongst my first ever pipes (along with Peterson systems) when I began pipe smoking in earnest in my mid thirties. I like them a lot. They are light to hold, easy to pack and fire up, and great for cleaning out in a few seconds. Like a member above, I have experienced the dreaded leakage in the pocket or if the pipe is tipped upwards when in the mouth, and that stuff is foul! However, experience tells after a while and my straight Falcon with an Algiers bowl is a lovely smoker. I have been smoking it earlier today in fact. I use the rings as they do soak up the goo and help with the smoke. My memories when a boy of people smoking them probably influenced me a great deal; they looked both odd and yet workmanlike, almost a tool in someone's hand, part of their daily business. Back in the late sixties, early seventies they were also popular with a lot of young blokes taking up the pipe for the first time, especially here in the North West of the UK! I can definitely recommend them. I am not an avid collector of bowls as I find some of the styles not to my taste, but a Falcon fan? Definitely!