I smoke a lot of Amphora Original, Burley, and Virginia. These are all fine examples of what could be all-day smokes for the right smoker.
That seems to be what the Sutliff man had to say on the smokingpipes video. They were trying to move into putting more premium lines into pouches for the American market.Not sure about the EU but in the Uk many blends moved to pouches a while back. It’s the same way that many micro-breweries in the US are back to using cans. It used to be that pouch blends were for a lower-end market but that isn’t so clear anymore.
I think that's correct. I know the Kentucky, Virginia and Burley are all relatively recent having come around in just the past few years. The Original and Full Aroma are definitely old school. Not sure about the Black Cavendish version...Interesting, so are some recent additions to the line, and the full etc are the classic end? I’m kind of dumbstruck I didnt try this sooner, mostly bc of the pouch. Peterson put out some pouches awhile back, I tried the English, which was pretty good.