How about a two fer today and a little more background info?
This is the one that started everything
Mark began making this series with Curt in 1983. It got it's beginnings in John B. Hayes Tobacco Shop and would later go on to be one of the first pipes offered for sale on the internet.
The Beginning
In 1987 or 1988 I walked into John B. Hayes Tobacconist and began speaking with Ed, one of JBH's salesmen. Ed is the person who ultimately set off this paradigm when he sold me my first American Smoking Pipe, an Oom Paul made by Mark Tinsky.
Ed spent a lot of time showing me pipes from the magic drawer. JBH had a drawer,actually three of them full of hundreds of pipes made by the American Smoking Pipe Company. Those drawers were incredible, inside were the most pipes I had ever seen. There were freehands with the natural plateaux tops, classic shapes, billiards, dublins, you name it and they were in there. Truly an awe inspiring sight.
Ed selected an Oom Paul and placed it in my hands. It had the most elegant graceful lines and it felt good to hold. I handed it back to Ed because it was $75 and I wasn't sure about spending that much money. Ed promptly placed it back in my hands and and soon it ended up following me home.
Several more followed by several more over the next few months. Every time I walked into the store I would be greeted by Ed and we would peruse the magic drawers. Ultimately I ended up working st JBH part time, although I don't think I actually walked out of the store with any paychecks. I always seemed to have a pipe on lay away.
John had an annual event at Christmas time where he, Mark Tinsky and Curt Rollar would design a Christmas pipe and host a pipe sale. Mark and Curt would make however many Christmas pipes they thought would sell, bring them and other new creations to this annual sale in JBH’s store.
The store would usually open at 10 am and the pipe sale would be held on a Saturday a couple weeks before Christmas.The store would open at 8 am for the sale. Mark and Curt would bring about 80 of this year's Christmas pipes and usually over a hundred other new pipes. Looking out over a couple hundred new pipes for sale was a sight to behold. My first ASP Christmas pipe was a 1988 finished in the dark sandblast finish.
The next three or four years would find me selling IT products for my day job and hanging out a couple week nights and Saturdays in JBH’s store selling pipes for an hourly rate. I learned so much about the pipe industry during this time. Mark also had an interest in IT technology, he would often like to discuss the latest IT trends. I would grill him and John about pipes. I think Mark also enjoyed those years because he started showing up with the nicest Christmas pipe he made and it was always made just for me...hmmm. I think he enjoyed turning the tables on me. I will say, the 1989 he sold me was a particularly nice Christmas pipe. I will always look back at those happy days, they were truly wonderful.