I am constantly amazed by the generosity of all of you wonderful people. A week or two ago, I posted my thoughts-kind of a review-on Samuel Gawith St James Flake, based on my recent purchase of a box in the latest drop. The consensus from many forum members was “yes, this is a great blend, but wait until you try it aged!” Of course, as a relatively new piper I had no way of trying it aged.
Enter @ashdigger. He posted in the thread and offered to send me some aged SJF, which I was thrilled about since even fresh it has quickly become one of my favorites. We PMed a few times, and he also asked if I’d tried any ropes or twists. I haven’t, so he very generously offered to throw a couple in the box.
Well, I received the box yesterday, and it contained MUCH more than SJF and “a couple of ropes and twists”. All told, @ashdigger bombed me with 23 different tobacco samples, all with age and many in quantities much larger than a simple sample. Included are many favorites that I have not yet had a chance to try aged, and a number of blends that are very high on my “try” list. All told, it’s almost 1.5 pounds of tobacco.
Not only that, but he also threw in not one, not two, but THREE pipes, all Petersons. A Sherlock Holmes Deerstalker, a K & P irishmade shape 160, and a Kapruf shape 25. The small bowls on the latter two will be perfect for sampling all of the ropes and twists he sent me.
Thank you to the pipesmagazine forum community and especially to @ashdigger. Your generosity was totally unexpected and much appreciated. I love this (virtual) place!
Enter @ashdigger. He posted in the thread and offered to send me some aged SJF, which I was thrilled about since even fresh it has quickly become one of my favorites. We PMed a few times, and he also asked if I’d tried any ropes or twists. I haven’t, so he very generously offered to throw a couple in the box.
Well, I received the box yesterday, and it contained MUCH more than SJF and “a couple of ropes and twists”. All told, @ashdigger bombed me with 23 different tobacco samples, all with age and many in quantities much larger than a simple sample. Included are many favorites that I have not yet had a chance to try aged, and a number of blends that are very high on my “try” list. All told, it’s almost 1.5 pounds of tobacco.
Not only that, but he also threw in not one, not two, but THREE pipes, all Petersons. A Sherlock Holmes Deerstalker, a K & P irishmade shape 160, and a Kapruf shape 25. The small bowls on the latter two will be perfect for sampling all of the ropes and twists he sent me.
Thank you to the pipesmagazine forum community and especially to @ashdigger. Your generosity was totally unexpected and much appreciated. I love this (virtual) place!