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Can't Leave
Aug 4, 2010
Little Rock
Soon, I will reach the one year mark as a pipe smoker. Like many pipe smokers, I began my pipe smoking hobby with a small collection of light aromatics from my local B&M along with a Savinelli Dublin and a cheaper no name pipe. A few months ago, after losing my job due to layoffs, I was given a nice gift of various pipe tobaccos from a very generous group of guys, along with a few pipes that will remain in my collection for eternity. I have been sampling the different types of tobaccos and have really expanded my horizons, thanks to this generous gift. As much as I enjoy the different aromas and flavors from the many varieties of aromatics available, I have found myself deeply craving the complex offerings of non-aromatics now. To be precise, Latakia blends have become a favorite of mine. I find myself drawn to the sharp, pungent offerings of the different Latakia blends available in my collection (Balkan Sasieni, Northwoods, Squadron Leader, Shortcut to Mushrooms, to name a few). Not that I don't enjoy some 1Q or Christmas Cookie from time to time, but I'm finding myself choosing the non-aros more and loving the more advanced flavors and strengths that are available. Its been said by Cortezattic that beginners should bypass the aros completely and become familiar with the basic flavors of non-aromatic tobaccos first. I agree but I think having both aros and non-aros in your collection is wise, simply for comparison. I have enjoyed my hobby much and I have learned lots from the many pipe smokers here on this forum. I look forward to expanding my horizons further and trying even more blends in the upcoming year.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 16, 2010
congrats on the one year. really enjoy shortcut to mushrooms every morning with a cup of coffee.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
It's great to hear about your progress in this wonderful hobby. Keep enjoying and exploring. :puffy:
ps. "Bypass the aros" makes it sound like I disparage them. I really meant to convey that they disguise and/or alter tobacco flavor, and seasoned natural tobacco smokers probably have a better perspective from which to enjoy them. But hey, I started out with Middleton's Cherry Blend, and I had a good time! :lol:



Might Stick Around
Dec 1, 2010
Dandridge, TN
Congratz Buck. Much like you I have mainly smoked aromatic blends. I guess I've worried that I will not like the non aromatic blends as well. (Kinda silly I guess.) The more I read and talk to you guys the more I'm thinking of giving a few non aromatic blends a try. Maybe step out of my box a little.



Can't Leave
Aug 4, 2010
Little Rock
jsharp, I still love the aromatics but I really like the anticipation of trying different non-aromatics as well. The Latakia's are really pulling me in right now. I'm anxious to try some tobaccos with Perique, maybe start a new adventure. :D



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Cheers. You entered the hobby at a great time. The number of innovative blends today is so much richer than when I started in 1970. Every day there seems to be more interesting things to try and THAT is the lure of pipe smoking. The elusive chase for the ultimate blend. Never done, never dull and always interesting.

Plus, you get to hang out here.



Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
Happy anniversary buck--what a difference a year makes, huh? :clap: We're glad to have you here.

Regarding aros vs. non, I have both in my 'cellar', and I like to think that every new tin or bag that I get just means that I'll have the perfect tobacco for my mood at some point in time. As far as an aromatic being any less 'true' to the flavor of pure tobacco, I think that's a little misinterpreted--as has been stated many times in the articles here and elsewhere, by every blender (Pease, Oulette, the Tarlars, et al), unless you work on a farm or grow your own, you'll never taste "pure, unadulterated" tobacco--and mainly because you wouldn't want to! All tobacco is processed heavily to prepare it for smoking, and the difference between a cherry cavendish and a smoky oriental is merely a matter of taste, no more than sweet or savory in your pork sausage. That being said, I too have come to appreciate a lot of flavors and complexities that I would perhaps have never known about if not for spending a great deal of time on this site with a great bunch of people. I look forward to my one year anniversary here too, and toast a bowl in your honor!



Feb 1, 2010
According to the US government, most pipe smokers are dead before they reach their 1 year anniversary so congratulations are in order!

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