All-Time Favorite Pipe Shows and Why

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Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
One of the things I will discuss at the upcoming Seattle Pipe Show dinner is the fact that Pipe Shows are truly an important part of our hobby. Any suggestions on what makes a great pipe show for you?
Thanks for your help,



Feb 21, 2013
I've only gone to the Triangle Area Pipe Smokers Pipe and Tobacciana Expo twice, but it has

been a pleasure. It's a chance to meet a number of pipe carvers, pipe retailers who know a

good deal about their products, blenders and representatives who offer a wide range of samples

to try out on the patio, several raffles and door prizes, and a goody bag that has included a tin

or two of tobacco on the way out the door. Remember to pick up business cards, and take a pen

to make a note on the back of the card about what interested you at that display table. Take along

a few (small?) pipes to smoke samples. Give yourself several hours at a minimum, or a whole day if

you can, because you will get into some conversations. This particular show has a modest entry fee --

a few or five dollars, if I remember. Some retailers -- I won't put anyone on the spot -- will bring a

pipe to the show for you, to save you shipping. You'll get to see and handle more pipes than even

a good sized pipe shop offers, which is an education in shapes and design. Worth the time.



Jun 26, 2012
I have not attended one yet but I will be going to Vegas in 2014 for the west coast show.. Mainly because it is close to New Mexico... And, its Vegas!!



Feb 21, 2013
At the TAPS show in N.C., it's no-smoking in the modest sized exhibit hall, but there is an roomy

and pleasant covered patio with picnic tables and ash trays right at the door, so there is continuous

communications between the indoor action and the smoking area.



Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Smoking is allowed at the St. Louis Show. It will be my first show as well. So it's bound to be my favorite. I'll probably try to make the Chicago Show this year too.



Oct 20, 2010
I live about 15 minutes from the Chicago Pipe Show. I have gone to the last three shows. Yes, the pipes and samples are great. But the two features that I like the best are the camaraderie with other pipe smokers and being able to talk to the giants in the industry. Last year, I sat down at a table with some guys and found out that they were heads of marketing for tobacco companies, top pipe makers, etc.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I've been to Richmond twice. I love the venue as smoking is permitted on the floor. One of my favorite memories is from the show last year, sitting with some of the Philly Pipe club members and some DC area guys I know, just enjoying our pipes and new found treasures. After two shows, I can see it really is a small and close-knit fraternity.



Jul 2, 2009
New England
The best part of pipe shows is the camaraderie by far. Getting to know and meet the people that we usually only associate with online is a real pleasure. Becoming acquainted with the pipe makers, estate sellers, retailers and tobacco blenders on a first name basis is to truly know the people that enjoy our hobby.

As for the pipe shows that I attend my all time favorite is the CORPS in Richmond, Va. The hospitality, the time of year, and the venue are all tops IMO. If I had to choose only one show per year it would be CORPS. but since I am able to make more than one, Chicago and The West Coast Pipe Show are my other favorites. By far the best venue IMO is the Las Vegas show, with endless places to see and enjoy around town in addition to being a fantastic show and incredibly well organized. Chicago being the biggest pipe show on earth is just beyond imagination if you haven't attended a show before it can be overwhelming to a new attendee. The only negative is not being able to smoke on the show room floor, but it's hardly worth mentioning when they supply the massive smoking tent where you can sit, sip, puff and socialize 24 hours a day. So actually there's no such thing as a bad pipe show, they all start at excellent and get better from there!!! I just wish the weather was more accommodating for travel in the winter so that I could attend St. Louis.

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