I've only gone to the Triangle Area Pipe Smokers Pipe and Tobacciana Expo twice, but it has
been a pleasure. It's a chance to meet a number of pipe carvers, pipe retailers who know a
good deal about their products, blenders and representatives who offer a wide range of samples
to try out on the patio, several raffles and door prizes, and a goody bag that has included a tin
or two of tobacco on the way out the door. Remember to pick up business cards, and take a pen
to make a note on the back of the card about what interested you at that display table. Take along
a few (small?) pipes to smoke samples. Give yourself several hours at a minimum, or a whole day if
you can, because you will get into some conversations. This particular show has a modest entry fee --
a few or five dollars, if I remember. Some retailers -- I won't put anyone on the spot -- will bring a
pipe to the show for you, to save you shipping. You'll get to see and handle more pipes than even
a good sized pipe shop offers, which is an education in shapes and design. Worth the time.