Sounds good Kevin. As long as I can use the occasional profanity, veiled by the bleep grammar (e.g., #@%*) of course, then I'm cool. Once that's outlawed then I won't be able to fully express myself. I'll try to restrain myself on your site though. My posts I know have been too long and take up too much space. Get carried away. But there's a reason: Since I've been 20+ yrs. in the dark, smoking my pipes in solitary incognito, I feel like the Gay folks do when they come out of the closet (I wont say anything more on this subject, as that's a hell of a controversial issue for sure). Want the whole world to know about my pipe smoking. Tired of hiding in the dark, if you know what I mean.
By the way, I was just thinking, and I'm posting this for everyone out there, I have a bunch of friends on Facebook (e.g., students, work colleagues, neighbors, wifes' friends etc.) and then I have a bunch of new friends that I have met on line here at your great website. The two sets of friends live in separate virtual quarters now, and my idea was to merge them. Hell, I can use as many friends as possible. Also, my Facebook folks don't smoke, and I know they see me smoking my pipes as something boarding on criminality and I want to set them straight. If they know about this site and who is writing on it, and the history behind it, then I think that would go some ways for them to accept what I like to do.
Anyhoo, that's all for now. Give me fingers a rest.