You have more drugs for more people and that has consequences, docility and relativization of thought comes to mind. By the time he was against Christianity, it was already going down and I would say for the wrong reasons at that point.
Being against Christianity, especially in Western Europe, Canada, has become the sine qua non condition for being, what the power that be decided, enlightened. I would never trust anyone who works for any secret service, they are a special kind of breed.
As for Natural Law, I would stop at Ancient Greek thought that was somehow taken over by the Roman empire and then transcended willingly or not into Christianity, itself a bastard monotheistic religion. This process took centuries and religious wars. Also, for better or worse we owe a lot to 19th century philosophers that in my view made a Faustian pact with the unknown. God isn't that easily replaceable in the context of civilization. The alternative has been less than perfect as it requires an all out education of the individual by himself and for himself.