Not really the deep connection you might think it to be.
That, and most questions people ask me while I am smoking are usually stupid as shit.
Questions that I have gotten by other pipesmokers while minding my own business smoking my pipe...
"What kind of pipes do you smoke?" ~This was the most moronic thing I had ever heard from someone who claimed to have been a pipesmoker.
"Have you tried (insert a tobacco brand name tobacco here)?" ~Why would a stranger care what another stranger has tried?
"Have you ever tried breathsmoking? ~as I set there breathsmoking. I just assume they've watched one of the dumbass videos on Youtube, and they have no clue about anything.
"Do you want to try my blend?" ~Egads!! Dear Lord, NO!! Please go away. I don't trust some stranger wanting to put their shit in my pipe, and... go away from me.
"Have you ever been to the Briary?" ~Finally a smart question, but I lie, because I don't want some beginning pipe smoker asking me a bunch of questions.
Most of the time, they are really neophytes wanting to learn something, but I am not a teacher of these things. There are already too many pipesmokers in my area, especially my town.
But, sometimes it is just some jerk that wants to test whether he knows more about something than me. Life is too short for these types of morons. I usually just send these types to this website. :

And, I can tell the guys who just want to make friends, because they may walk up with their own pipes, but keep the conversation on other things.
But, most of the time when I hear that they are a pipesmoker too, it is like hearing, "I have the same haircut." Who cares?
You guys who live in places where there aren't other pipe smokers to bother you with this inane bullshit... I'm jealous. :
