Just a few interesting information to share around here.
Some colleagues were critical about Meer lined (on facebook groups), saying that '60s "were a strange, strange time." But, there are earlier reference, from 1933. As we can see here:

I hope it's useful as it was for me.
Soon available on Pipedia.
See you guys.
Some colleagues were critical about Meer lined (on facebook groups), saying that '60s "were a strange, strange time." But, there are earlier reference, from 1933. As we can see here:
"I found a much earlier reference in our catalogue from 1933.
And others believed that Meer was compressed, because of the size or that the Meer was not Turkish. Well, about this Mr. Hener said:Please see on page 8 the two pipes marked 5 and 6, which are Bruyere pipe with Meerschaum tops (& possibly lining) fitted with Amber mouthpieces." Kalmon S. Hener, Product Line Director of The White Spot division. Jan-2020.
"As far as I know, we only used Block-meerschaum and not reconstituted Meerschaum…
In the past we could obtain the raw material from Turkey. Nowadays, the Turkish government banned the export of Meerschaum as a raw material and only allows export of finished goods; that is why we stopped using this material." Kalmon S. Hener, Product Line Director of The White Spot division.

I hope it's useful as it was for me.
Soon available on Pipedia.
See you guys.