A Vanishing Breed? - Any Converts? Any Disciples?

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Aug 21, 2013
On vacation in the Canary Isles last week I was struck by the fact that in our hotel there were many cigarette smokers, but no other pipe smokers. This hotel attracts many Brits, Germans, Norwegians etc (pipe-smoking nations) and in previous years I have always spotted a few pipers, but not this time.
Our forum is of course full of piping vitality, but in the wider world, with the possible exception of US 'hipsters', we seem to be heading for extinction - not helped by the anti-smoking 'polizia' who don't seem to recognise that pipe smoking is DIFFERENT!
So, in my own small way I have been trying to spread the Good Word among younger people. So far I can claim three converts to the wonderful hobby:
- My son (see my pathetic attempts at photography in the "Wives, Girlfriends, Family....." thread), he loves my unloved 'made for Astley' Preben Holm and has no idea that I have commissioned for him a 'Chris Astley Morta' as a graduation present (in a fancy peck-type presentation box ! lol)
- A clinical colleague whom I have gifted an elegant 'Made for Astley by Dunhill' (so I have now got rid of both my 'Made for Astley's' !! LOL) and a tin of Dunhill's My Smoking Mixture'. He loves both.
- An Irish scientist colleague who after dinner at our house, and with great aplomb, smoked his way through a bowl of BBF in one of my Peterson's. To him go a Comoy's bent billiard and a tin of Old Dublin (of course !)
So, I wondered if any fellow older pipers are trying similar tactics?



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2013
Thought I had one when a good friend's son bought him a pipe and some tobacco for his birthday. Encouraged hi, gave hime some Molto Dolce that he liked and bingo... He decided that pipe smoking was "too difficult" and he went back to his cigars.
He's the only one I have regular contact with who's a candidate.



Aug 3, 2013
SF Bay Area
one of my sons is a regular pipe smoking companion for me ... it's one of the pleasures of my life ... he and the others will also join me over a cigar on occasion, which for me is particularly special ...



Aug 21, 2013
@roth, I agree. I'm not sure what is the real evidence for an up-swing, except as a passing fad?



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I guess I'm a regular "Typhoid Mary" when it comes to getting others started. Since I've always got a pipe around, and can be found puffing during an occasional break at the studio, I've gotten inquiries over the years, which have led to a number of the curious trying out pipe smoking. Whether more than a half dozen have kept at it, I know not. But I have certainly endeavored to corrupt our youth.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2013
I am the only person who smokes a pipe at my university. By next year will probably be identified as the pipe guy. And only ever seen someone smoking a pipe around Dublin twice, really rare over here. Sounds like it is pretty big state side though.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
There are a couple of reasons why I'd never encourage anyone to smoke. The first is that its a nasty, expensive habit and people who smoke tend to reek exotically. I want to be the standout in the crowd. The other is that I dread a tobacco shortage and attendant rise in prices.
Pipe smoking should be relegated only to those few, special people who understand. Those enjoy the process of properly preparing a bowl of tobacco while reveling in the anticipation. Those that are able to set aside the problems of the world, better yet those that are solving the problems of the world while enjoying the pipe. Why, I've solved many of the world's most pressing problems while enjoying my evening smoke as I wax philosophically, pontificating to the ever suffering dog. I wonder why my wife keeps "Goggling" nut houses.
A person should not be chivvied, cajoled, or enticed to pipe smoking. Nay, they must come to it naturally. firstly they will notice that pipe smokers appear to be smarter, more worldly, and better able to cope with life's vicissitudes. Some will want to emulate that image. We all know this is image is not reality, yet we strive to project that image of worldly competence, looking wise and all knowing as we peer at them down the stem of the ever present little briar furnace stuck firmly in the corner of our mouth.
Secondly, after taking to the pipe they will see the need to promote the image, lest they be thought to be less than stellar between the ears. If one is encouraged to take up the pipe, they might see through the thin veneer of sophistication we smokers strive to keep alive and denounce us to the nonsmoking majority. That, my friends is the beginning of the end!
Let the callous youth stumble onto the pipe. Pray, do not deprive them of the discovery on their on. The harder the twisted trip to the pipe, the greater the pleasure.



May 17, 2012
I have one friend who always says he's interested in pipes, but whenever I offered to facilitate that for him it never goes anywhere. I think he just likes the idea of the pipe, to be honest. I don't bother anymore. The briar called me a long time ago and I accepted the charges without anyone's help.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 6, 2012
Except for my dad, who quit the pipe years ago, I never knew another soul who smoked one till a guy at work, who I have known for years, and smoked a couple cigars with before, told me he smoked one. He lives 80 miles from me so getting together is on the slim side of the odds. I finally saw an old boy, walking his wife, smoking a pipe. That's it in a city of 200K.



Sep 23, 2012
Go to a pipe show and you will see lot's of us .

I don't really need to be around others who smoke a pipe to enjoy my pipe smoking.

Were ever I go if I don't see anyone smoking a pipe it's ok with me. :D



Might Stick Around
Oct 19, 2013
I am in the process of converting one of the cooks at my local donair place, hes picking up a con cob this week and when i get my TAD from 4noggins next week im gonna give him an ounce or so from each blend to try out. mainly do to the cost of cig's up here and he was surprised at how much can be saved by smokign a pipe.



May 30, 2012
I am the lone pipe smoker around my area and among my friends. The only one I know of that might rarely pick up a cob is the owner of the cigar shop I work at.

I agree that you must becommitted to the art. Otherwise you'll lose interest.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 8, 2013
Here in the Peoples Republic of California, I hardly ever see a pipesmoker just around out in public. Rarer than a Sasquatch sighting in this neck of the woods, (nor cal).



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 4, 2013
I was at a restauraunt on Hilton Head years ago with a big sign,"NO PIPES OR CIGARS". I guess some are cig snobs. I agree with Warren. When I was young I was setting myself apart. Now I wish there were more like me. I'll lead by example but, there are certain "requirements" for pipesmoking. It's nice to know you're all out there. Someone has to be buying up all the Esoterica.

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