Just sell most of them off since you undoubtedly won’t miss them. At the end of the day, they are just things. I’m no less happy with 20 pipes than I was with 50. I think collections become more of a burden than a blessing. They are fun to build but as time moves on it’s just a bunch of mostly unused crap in boxes that if sold off would free up space, pay down bills, fund the thrill of the hunt for new ones or feed the many starving children across the planet.
I've been trying to live into this for years. Every time I unburden myself of crap I don't use, I feel better for it. Most of us, myself included, are drowning in stuff. Perhaps that is a dramatic way of stating it, but it's true nonetheless.
I have maybe ten or fifteen pipes that I smoke, plus a bunch of cobs. With a basic collection that will serve the purpose of giving me enough pipes to rotate, my plan would be to only buy great pipes that I will really enjoy, and eventually just have a small collection of excellent pipes that all get smoked regularly.