Jesse, thanks for bringing us all back down to earth, and Plateauguy for sharing a bit of your discomfort with us--a discomfort that mirrors what a number of forum members have apparently felt over the past few weeks. I recall in graduate school a student asking such an incredibly dumb off-the-wall question that I was waiting for the professor to chop him down to about 1 inch in size. What the professor said went something like this "I'm so glad you asked that--your question is a rather remarkable one. You should realize that the prevailing weight of scholarly opinion does not support that point of view, but I'm so glad you asked it because it brings all perspectives to bear in the discussion." I sat there in amazement and contemplated this remarkable professor who later became a dear friend, and under whom I later wrote my dissertation. The student went on to become an admiral in the Navy. I met up with him again about a year and a half ago, and he's still an idiot, but I guess the Navy has its own set of standards.
When the starcat thread first appeared, I was curious to find out who the worst pipe maker was, and I realized that I was reading something that was remarkably incoherent and went on to read something else. Later, when I observed that the thread had grown legs, I added my own remarks thereby contributing to the general silliness. I then reviewed Startcat's other threads and responses and found them to be of the same genre. Either this person is not a pipe smoker, or not a very deep thinker, or is much brighter than we give him credit for being, and has been playing us all along. In any case, we've all had our fun, and it's time to return to our main business, which is pipe smoking, and pinging on one another in our own gentle fashion.