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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Hello All,
Over the past several weeks there has been an outbreak of general silliness and wanton mirth in the forum. I have been a willing participant in this activity. But recent posts have indicated that some of our most beloved members have found this activity deeply distressing and not a little disturbing.
Their expressions of dismay have caused me to ponder my own actions and to reflect upon whether I have unintentionally done not only a disservice, but possible damage to the forums. Upon reflection I have come to realize that they may have a legitimate point, that we may have strayed from the path, gone through the guard rail and over the embankment.
Since I hold myself partly to blame it is incumbent upon me to seek redemption through positive action. I have some suggestions for topics that will, I believe, gladden the hearts of our disgusted brethren. Some of these may be a little controversial, but we can't offer nothing worthy of discussion or the forum will die. It is therefore with a pure heart that I offer these to you with the hope that you will see the light and the right as have I.
1. Tapered pipe cleaners - innovative solution, symptom of indecision, or slippery slope to perdition?

2. Which briar is the best introductory brand for a beginner - Bo Nordh, Sixten Ivarsson, Jess Chronowitsch?

3. What other uses are there for 156 proof Bacardi besides cleaning the stem?

4. What was Dr. Gabrow a doctor of? Did he buy his diploma?

5. What is the best eBay deal that you think someone else made?

6. What is a pipe?

7. Were the 1969 Dunhill bruyeres inferior to the 1968 Dunhill bruyeres? Why, yes or no?

8. Unsubstantiated opinions, please!

9. Is Penzance really the best tobacco?

10. If my pipe is glowing red am I smoking to fast?

11. Halcyon and Paragon, can they be used as laxatives?

12. How does one pack a pipe?

13. I burned the house down!

14. How soon should I introduce my daughter, or granddaughter, to pipe smoking? How young is too young?

15. Which blend to pair with limburger?

16. Wooden matches, lighter, blow torch - which one would you choose? Do you reserve specific pipes for specific lighting methods?

17. Is Dunhill the only good pipe maker?

18. Handmade - does that mean that no machinery is used?

19. I put my pipe through the wood chipper. Where should I send it for repair?

20. Hello, I'm a newbie.
I invite those among you who see the grievous errors of their ways to embrace these topics, and in the spirit in which they have been offered, to use them and/or add further to the topics.
Thank you for your time and consideration.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I have responses for all of the proposed threads. (Many members sadly shake their heads at the thought and mutter, "Of course he does.")
Number 3 seemed to cry out for a response. I use the Bacardi to cut the foul taste of Coke.
As for 12, I pack my pipe in my vest pocket unless I'm smoking it. I should point out that it took only took two vests before I learned to let the pipe die out before placing it in the pocket.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
I used Coke to cut the foul taste of Bacardi in college; now the other way around.

Seriously, Sablebrush, Limburger and pipe smoking?!?

Over all, yes, we need to get back to our mellow selves.



Aug 14, 2011
I offer the following answers:
1) 42.
2) hell ya, hell ya, hell ya, f'ckin right, f'cking right, all right.
Yeah, shit's gotten bananas lately eh? B-A-N-A-N-A-S



May 25, 2012
Hamburger with maggots: It's not the meat, it's the motion.
Ah, that's beautiful. Almost reminds me of Yeats:
O chestnut-tree, great-rooted blossomer,

Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole?

O body swayed to music, O brightening glance,

How can we know the dancer from the dance? [or the motion from the meat]



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
How about "Do English blends all come from England?"
This is something that has kept me up at nights. All kinds of American companies blend and sell "English" tobacco. It's confusing to me. It makes me wonder if we're being deceived. Maybe England still owns us and all that revolutionary war stuff is just a smokescreen.



May 25, 2012
sablebrush, in all seriousness, I'm in agreement with the spirit of the OP. And I've come up with the perfect means of atonement (for you). Word on the street is that you have a mighty fine collection of early/19th c. Barlings and I can think of nothing better than a thread -- with pics -- devoted to them.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Alas Pitchfork, I have few 19th century Barlings, but a handful of early 20th century pieces. But it tohse are of interest, I will post some pix. You can see most of them on the "Show us...Barlings" page here and others on the Pipedia Barling page.
The Rev Johnny Long has amazing early 19th century Barlings and those are also on the Barling page.



May 25, 2012
OT/ Those are gorgeous Barlings, sable, especially the '07 bulldog and the amber-stemmed billiard.

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