I ordered P&C 3 pipes for $59.00 deal. As I've recounted before, they sent me 3 identical pipes - same shape, shade, finish, size, etc. Carbon copies. P&C told me tough luck. I still felt burned and called back a few weeks later, hoping to get a different agent. The second agent listened to me, which was more than the first did. He offered to send me makeup gift, with a new order. So, I order about $100 of tobaccos. Comes the new package. The included "gift" was a one oz sample of some non-nondescript blend, that retailers throw in with orders.
Dealing with P&C reminds me of trying to deal with a Carnival grifter. You never get your money back but they'll cut you a deal for just a dollar more.
In fairness, their prices are good but not always the best. I will still buy from them but if I can get the same thing anywhere else for close to their price, I buy from the alternate vendor. If it wasn't for Russ Ouellette, I probably wouldn't deal with them at all.
I haven't yet found an online vendor whose prices, service and selection is so superior, that I will give them my business exclusively. This probably saves me money because I feel free to shop for the best deal. Most of the time I end up buying based on price from SmokingPipes, 4Noggins, Mars, or P&C. With the exception of Mars, I've established some personal contacts with each of the vendors. If I encounter a problem, I know that I can call Rich at 4Noggins or Jeremy at SmokingPipes or Marilynn at MM or Dave at Briarworks. They aren't my friends and but I know I'll get respect and will be heard, rather than having some nameless customer service rep parrot a script back at me.
I'm going to digest Briarblues comments. I may change my modus operandi.