Ok, point taken about slave labor on rare elements.
Still, I don't understand why you are trying to convince people to buy STG products when they feel it isn't the right thing to do.
The internet is a poor place for nuance. I don't give too hoots about what tobaccos people buy or from whom. Personally, rarely bought from STG in the past and then, only to supply my dad his favorite blend. I would never try to convince people to buy from any company as I have no allegiance to companies in general. The point I was and am making is that when one says they will boycott a company, the word implies going without something you want or desire to make a political or financial point to the company. Tobacco is one of those rare commodities that to boycott a blend you really enjoy to make a point is rather silly if it means smoking a blend you prefer less. My point, one I apparently made poorly, is that engaging in such an activity in this case will be meaningless because first, few will be joining in, and second, choosing to smoke a less likable blend of tobacco seems ridiculous when it comes to making a point about selling off assets purchased by a competitor.
Now all things being equal, if blend A satisfies no less than blend B and blend B is not made by STG - sure, knock yourself out. But in that case, there is very little skin in the game for the decision. Where is the self-sacrifice that generally comes with and is associated with the word Boycott.
Tobacco runs the very risk of cancer - not just for the smoker, but possibly the non smoker. My mother-in-law died of cancer directly attributed to second hand smoking. If someone is engaging in this activity, at least smoke the most enjoyable tobacco you can.
But to be clear, I don't care nor should I care nor should anyone else care where someone buys their pipe tobacco or from whom. It's bad enough I have to use a device made from parts gathered by slaves...