Okay, I was editing my post and it timed out: Here's the post in it's completed form--
Look at the pedestal of Thomas Jefferson's statue in the Jefferson Memorial and what do you see? Corn and tobacco. The United States was initially colonized largely by English laborers and their sponsors who were backed by English companies to establish commerce in the "New World". We all learned in school that it was freedom of religion but, Jamestown was all about establishing commerce first. Tobacco was a major part of that commerce and was responsible, in part, for this country's very existence. Hence, the reason the planning committee deemed (oops... "thought") it important to include corn and tobacco on Jefferson's memorial in addition to his agrarian experimentation. Even though, tobacco was the first profitable product to export from the colonies and so profitable it prevented wide spread product diversification.
Maybe we should all band together and demand the statue be torn down to prove a point that it's gone too far. Hell, in today's environment (oops again) I mean witch hunt, that notion might just get support. It's a shame this country has so little interest in history and tradition. Our form of government and constitution were hammered out in taverns and meeting places over bowls of tobacco but, who in government or in the general population, for that matter gives a shite? I suppose I'm preachin' to the choir though.
Although, with the recent change in political winds, we might want to reenergize our efforts and contact our elected officials urging them to reconsider the FDA draconian regulations and stress the history of tobacco-- and not just any tobacco, it was pipe tobacco-- in this country. Republican are more interested in tradition than Democrats. And I'm halfway serious about demanding the removal of Jefferson's statue in his memorial. If they-- the government-- supports the FDA then it's duplicitous to have a depiction of tobacco on a national memorial. Maybe I'm way off base with this-- just a thought. Okay, I'm done with my rant. Cheers.