This article hints around the corners about how Congress "granted" FDA control of A-Z, which is great because that is the real problem. This Idea, that congress has been relinquishing its power is, to me, worse than run away FDA. The FDA has no governing authority, therefore is to be ignored completely on all things it deems necessary to intrude on private citizens or business. The congress CANNOT transfer its power to another governing body, or vessel of the Executive Branch. That's illegal. So as wacky as it seems that a citizen would continue to do business as he/she sees fit and play the game that The ATF wants to wage on private citizens, (it'll look as bad if not worse as the Bathroom Bill that keeps pedophiles)***see foot note*** out of NC's bathrooms. You have a red coat situation. Forget Trump, not one person is going to save a free people, the people have to want that freedom.
***** I always say, if you are transgender and enter a Restroom to take care of business, as long as you don't bring attention to yourself I'll be none the wiser. We have to remain sane and realize that it's the perverts we are trying to protect our young ones from.