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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
No doubt the 9/11 attacks were a great tragedy.
BUT, for a lot of people, today is their birthday, their wedding annoversary, or some other REALLY HAPPY day (or at least was until 2002), and they dont necessarily want to be made to be constantly reminded and made to feel oh so bad year after year ... Nobody even said a word on June 6th, Aug 6th or Aug 9th and a hell of a lot more people breathed their last breaths on those days ... I'm not saying the 9/11 attacks should be dismissed, but come on ...
Okay this is controversial and I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but since I know both sides of that coin ( mourning for 9/11 losses and celebrating a 9/11 birthday) I feel confident enough to speak my mind and stand by my word.



Jun 19, 2013
Hfearly, your rant is innapropriate and uncalled for in this thread. If you want to complain, start your own thread. Mods???



Feb 21, 2013
Our office intern turned on the small TV in our work room when a friend called her, after the plane hit

the first tower. Most of my group was in there watching when the second plane hit. A scientist walking

through the room saw the second hit and said, "Now we know terrorists can fly airplanes." As I watched

over the next hours, I visualized the vast emergency medicine efforts that must be readying in the

emergency rooms across the city. The second cold wave of realization occurred when few arrived to be

treated. The next day I went to a service at a fellowship near my workplace. My wife, who was then

living in Greenwich Village and Long Island went to work at the recovery effort and sang the volunteers

"That Grand Old Flag" while helping serve food. Down here in the mid-South, firefighters took up a

collection at intersections in their boots for families of firefighters killed. Remembering this isn't

mawkish or misguided. It was the worst outside attack on an American city in our history. As a Vietnam Veteran,

I am not one to try to deny the cruelty of history when it emerges.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
12 years later we have no resolution no justice and no peace. Because our politicians are weak sauce. Yet more mambiepambie weak as water pollies are elected even unto the election of this president and congress. So still rouge terrorist nations fly in out face and our big adversaries thumb their noses at us. So yes a sad day indeed. The day the giant could not arise from his knees. Not for lack of might, but for lack of mind.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
... God bless those familes who lost a loved one during that horrible event.




May 30, 2012
That day I will never forget for several reasons besides the attacks, but as the day my parents and my 2 uncles and their wives were in Washington D.C. on vacation together and were in the White House when the plane hit the Pentagon(was planned to hit the White House). Several hours passed before I got word they were ok. They eventually had to drive home due to the no-fly ban that week.

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