$200 Question for Smokers

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Feb 21, 2013
I seem to buy tobacco a little at a time along the way, so I'd probably stash this until someone broke big on a discount on pricier pipes that I really like. I don't like to buy quantities of tobacco at a time. I never feel like I can anticipate what I want by the time I get to particular tins.

May 4, 2015
I seem to buy tobacco a little at a time along the way, so I'd probably stash this until someone broke big on a discount on pricier pipes that I really like. I don't like to buy quantities of tobacco at a time. I never feel like I can anticipate what I want by the time I get to particular tins.
Boy, am I the same way! I always fear buying more than around 4 ounces at a time and that's even pushing it. I often buy 1 ounce at a time if I can and it seems to do me well. I'd much rather have 12-15 blends open and on hand than a pound I feel pressured to get through. Works better with the budget too. I haven't found any tobacco that I want to smoke just all day every day, and therefor have no reason to buy any large quantity at one pop.
Once the man starts hiking taxes and prices are expected to go up sharply, I may revise that methodology.

May 4, 2015
So have you smoked a good briar yet ? They do have a different flavor, one which I find enhances my smoking enjoyment. I still smoke a cob when there is a high probability of my losing or damaging the pipe (think fishing :rofl:)
Nothing in what I'd consider at a "high" price point, no, but I own and have smoked some nice pipes, I'd like to think (Though my "best" pipe is a mid-70's Peterson Meerschaum.) Like I said, I get why folks are in to the briar artistry and engineering, but just hearing "They do have a different flavor..." I instinctively think, "Why would I want my pipe to have a flavor when I'm smoking a tobacco that has an intended flavor?" That's a dif'rent strokes thing, I suppose, but I'm all for doing what you like, whatever that happens to be.



Mar 20, 2014
I'm in no way knocking cobs or cob smoking as I regularly partake myself but I'll say that having some good briars is taking the "leaf" you love so dearly to another, elevated level of enjoyment. I'm not a "collector" by nature myself but have over 2 dozen briar pipes that I smoke as well as 6-8 cobs at any given time for when I want to smoke but don't want to risk any damage to my briars. If you've never tried a briar pipe, especially a well engineered one, you're missing out on some sublime smoking. You can still show the cobs all the live they deserve and all I'm saying is don't deny yourself a chance to upgrade your enjoyment.



Might Stick Around
May 5, 2015
Strange that so far I'm the only one (or I'm the only one to admit it), but I'd go pipe. Even though my pipe collection, even in my mind, is already too big. I just can't stop lol! I am probably 80% PAD and 10% TAD. And the other 10% is accessories. Has anyone coined the acronym PAAD yet?!

May 4, 2015
don't deny yourself a chance to upgrade your enjoyment.
I like it! I have smoked/owned briars - good ones - and am just not in to collecting them, I guess was my only point. Maybe with the $200, I'd just find the best pipe I could for that price point since it's not something I'd do with my own money. It goes against my "a pipe is a tool" thing, but if it enhances the experience in some way, I wouldn't be opposed to giving it shot.
I just know people (new smokers) who pick up the hobby and in a matter of months, they own like 15-20 briars and I can't wrap my head around that. But, like I said... for $200 of not my own dough, maybe I'd just go pipe.



Oct 18, 2013
It's cyclical:
1. start off with cobs (some folks don't even try them and skip straight to #2)

2. get the idea from other smokers that briar is better and cobs are just "beaters"

3. blow tons of money on pipes that are way overpriced

4. pick up a cob again one day and wonder why you ever left
@pipesmokingtom: Sounds like you're already ahead of the curve to me! :puffy:

May 4, 2015
Sounds like you're already ahead of the curve to me!
Ha. Good to hear someone shares my view. I've been loving smoking for about 12 years now, so I went through my paces to be sure. When I started, I coveted expensive pipes, handmade pieces etc. but wasn't really in the financial situation to indulge. Maybe I'm the better for it, maybe not, but I definitely like what I like and that is cobs! I won't poo poo on something out of being stubborn, but I struggle to justify spending many times more on an instrument of smoking when I could use that money to do more smoking!



Oct 26, 2012
That's a dif'rent strokes thing, I suppose, but I'm all for doing what you like, whatever that happens to be.

Agreed. And I worded my question poorly. I didn't mean to imply that only expensive briar tasted good versus cheaper briar. I have a $60 Savinelli that smokes crazy good. As much as I appreciate the artistry and engineering in a briar pipe, the flavor ranks right up there for me too, so much so that I never smoke my meerschaum. I'll be listing it for sale shortly!



Can't Leave
Feb 3, 2015
I like a few English-style blends, and I think the different tastes come through better in a briar than in a cob. Doesn't ruin them by smoking in a cob, just sort of mutes them.
Could I live without briar-yes. Do I like having briar-yes.
I find more and more that I have been gravitating towards the same blends and the variety comes from if I feel like the briar version of the flavor or the cob version on that particular night.
Edit- forgot to answer- Ultimately the money would go the tobacco route for me.



Jan 23, 2015
As much as I'd want to go for a new pipe I'd probably put it all towards TAD. Build up the cellar a little. :puffy:



Sep 23, 2012
For me I have more tins and pipes than I will ever need. So I would just give the $200.00 to a pipe brother for him or her to enjoy :puffy:

May 4, 2015
the briar version of the flavor or the cob version
I wonder how much (if any) consideration blenders give to flavors imparted by different instruments. I've always been under the impression cobs are used for testing most often because they are "neutral."
I didn't mean for this to turn in to a cob vs. briar thread, but it has to sort of be one now that I've been guilt tripped in to buying a briar pipe with my hypothetical $200 :wink:



Mar 20, 2014
Ah, the hell with it, I'd buy tobacco with all $200 if it was truly a windfall. Lol. I get where the OP is coming from now, I think. Besides, $200 would stock that larder and scratch a lot of itches.:)

May 4, 2015
$200 would stock that larder and scratch a lot of itches.:)
That's what I'm talking about!! $200 of tobacco is a lot of potential new great experiences.
I set it at $200, because I think that number opens the temptation options up to a new bracket of more expensive pipes. New nice pipe or potential for lots of new tobacco. Hmmmmmm.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 11, 2015
Following the gist of the thread/OP: I would get a MM Mark Twain and a Dr. Grabow.( Now you get a cob & briar )
I would get a pouch of the new Captain Black Copper, because it's new and I like Aromatics.

Then the rest of it would go to topping off my favorite tobaccos and a few I haven't tried.
I'm really into C&D Sweet English, Oriental Silk, and Epiphany at the moment so I would bulk up

on them as well.



Can't Leave
May 10, 2014
I mostly smoke cobs, but have a couple of nice briars, I also really like Dr Grabows. I'd likely buy a grab bag of cobs or a NOS Grabow, and spend the remaining $170 on tobacco.

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