$200 Question for Smokers

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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
I would spend roughly $176 on a pound of Old Dark Fired, a pound of Luxury Navy Flake, and ten tins of Dunhill Flake. I would then spend roughly $18 on shipping, so I can have it by Friday, so I don't have to spend the weekend tobacco-less, and pocket the change- much like I did last night.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Nothing is just a tool, not even a wrench. It's easy is to get ten bucks for a new tin of tobacco, and then another ten after that, twenty times over. Two hundred bucks at one shot isn't so easy. Cobs are okay but they don't give the smoking experience of a Briar, not even a cheap Briar. I'd spend the money on a pipe that'd last me a lifetime, a lot longer than twenty tins of tobacco. Some people like Cobs more than Briars. I don't get that. The same goes for OTC tobaccos over tinned.
Quality is real thing, even if we don't always recognize it. There is no virtue in being parsimonious. Money isn't sacred, and spending it isn't a moral crime.
Where quality is the thing sought after, the thing of supreme quality is cheap, whatever the price one has to pay for it.
William James



Can't Leave
May 11, 2015
United States
I ould buy 2x500g of Gawith Hoggarth & Co Bulk and the rest I would send to Pipestud (I actually have a line in my monthly budget called "Pipestud" which my kids think is just hilarious)



Can't Leave
May 4, 2013
Columbus Ohio
In my current situation I would spend the $200 on a estate artisan pipe.
If I had no tobacco or pipes I would spend roughly 1/3 - 1/2 on a pipe.
I would spend the rest on tobacco. Probably only a couple blends that I really like and in bulk to maximize how much I get.



Feb 6, 2014
Tobacco that I have yet to try. 2 C-notes would be a great start, My wife already accuses me of hording up for the great Zombie Rising, whatever the heck that is!!! 200 for more tobacco, I'm in!!!



May 29, 2011
I think I would put it towards one of those $400.00 Artisan pipes, which are $200.00 over my pipe budget limit. The most difficult part would be deciding which one!



Feb 21, 2013
jmui, I also opted for pipes, but I guess my post was a bit rambling and didn't get read through. Pipes. High level, deep discount.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Nothing is just a tool, not even a wrench. It's easy is to get ten bucks for a new tin of tobacco, and then another ten after that, twenty times over. Two hundred bucks at one shot isn't so easy. Cobs are okay but they don't give the smoking experience of a Briar, not even a cheap Briar. I'd spend the money on a pipe that'd last me a lifetime, a lot longer than twenty tins of tobacco. Some people like Cobs more than Briars. I don't get that. The same goes for OTC tobaccos over tinned.
Quality is real thing, even if we don't always recognize it. There is no virtue in being parsimonious. Money isn't sacred, and spending it isn't a moral crime.
I'd hold on to it until SmokingPipes had a nice higher end estate around $200 that I wanted.



Might Stick Around
May 5, 2015
mso489, sorry I missed your post. I thought I'd read them all. I'll be sure to read it!

Aug 14, 2012
Since $200 is not enough to buy a great new pipe, I would order about 135 cans of Bombay Court, my favorite tobacco. A 3 1/2 year supply.



Can't Leave
Feb 11, 2015
I would buy $200 worth of Penzance, spread rumors that it will never return, and sell it on ebay for a butt load. Then I would buy all the tobacco I want.

May 4, 2015
There is no virtue in being parsimonious. Money isn't sacred, and spending it isn't a moral crime.
Believe you, me, I don't not spend money because I don't not want to spend money! Or something like that.
Personally, my experience isn't enhanced because I'm using more expensive gear. If I eat with golden forks, it doesn't make the food taste better. Like I said, I get it completely why people love expensive briars but that bug hasn't bit me (yet). Now, if we are talking about a Briar that enhances the tobacco in some sort of objectively observable way, that's a different story, but I think that effect is debatable.
All that being said, I still haven't tried Gaslight.. Why haven't I tried Gaslight!?

May 4, 2015
I would buy $200 worth of Penzance, spread rumors that it will never return, and sell it on ebay for a butt load. Then I would buy all the tobacco I want.
Genius. I saw someone say "Penzance is like the McRib of tobacco." That made me smile.



Can't Leave
Feb 11, 2015
Genius. I saw someone say "Penzance is like the McRib of tobacco." That made me smile.
I do remember when the McRib were on the regular menu, at that time I did not like it, now that it only comes around every so often I throw it down like a fat kid. Excellent marketing tactics, and everybody else is following the same principles.

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