Yep it's the vintage Ropp. Yours looks like a real beauty. I can see you waited for the exact one you wanted, you picked a real nice looking one. I like the foot on it. What is that part of the pipe called anyway?
To answer some questions, the thickness of the bowl at the very top is 5/32, the inside diameter of the bowl is 11/16 the outside diameter of the shank is around 7/16.
I was able to get a 26 minute smoke of Peterson Irish oak out of it a few minutes ago. Truly down to almost nothing but fine white ash
. But I normally dump it before I smoke the baccy down that much so for me I'd say a good 20 minute smoke.
Purchased from yep!
Yes I agree airway is a bit tight.
Very light and unique shape compared to my normal pipes. Like it.