About a month ago I traded a local guy at our gun club an older 30-30 rifle. I had more rifles kicking around than I needed. Anyway he traded me for a Norinco 1911 in .45ACP I have owned lots of pistols but never a 1911 style. My tastes usually lean more toward H&K's and Walther's. I wanted this gun as a IPSIC pistol and as a project that I can cut my teeth on some simple gun smithing. I am looking for ideas on what do with it, what is the most important jobs first? I have already ordered new grips for it but not sure what next steps should be to make it more accurate, feed better ect. The Norinco is a great platform to begin with because it is made with excellent steel something that seems counter intuitive for Chinese guns. I already own one of there M4A1 replicas and it works amazingly well for under $600.00 I am nearly 30000 rounds fired with never a stove pipe, misfire or feed issue. My Colt AR15 cannot boast those types of results. So fire away gun nuts this is a winter project. I also hear they qualify me to do cowboy action range work given its calibre and action.